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There are 19 nine-letter words containing ENAR

ALLENARLYallenarly adv. (Scotland, archaic) Solely; only.
ALLENARLY adv. (Scots) solely, only.
CENTENARYcentenary adj. Of or related to the number one hundred, particularly.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of centurion: An officer commanding 100 men, especially (historical) in the Roman army.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of century: a period of 100 years.
CURSENARYCURSENARY adj. (Shakespeare) cursory (probably a misreading), also CURSELARIE, CURSORARY.
DUODENARYduodenary adj. Twelvefold.
duodenary adj. Of the twelfth order.
duodenary adj. (Obsolete) Duodecimal.
ENARCHINGenarching v. Present participle of enarch.
ENARCH v. to graft a plant.
ENARGITESenargites n. Plural of enargite.
ENARGITE n. a dark-grey crystalline copper arsenic sulphide, a minor ore of copper.
MENARCHESmenarches n. Plural of menarche.
MENARCHE n. (Greek) the first occurrence of menstruation.
MERCENARYmercenary n. (Archaic) One motivated by gain, especially monetary.
mercenary n. A person employed to fight in an armed conflict who is not a member of the state or military group for…
mercenary n. (Figuratively) One hired to engage in a figurative battle, as a corporate takeover, a lawsuit, or a…
MILLENARYmillenary adj. Of or pertaining to a thousand, especially to a thousand years.
millenary adj. Of or pertaining to a millennium; millenarian.
millenary n. (Archaic) A period of one thousand years; a millennium.
PARCENARYparcenary n. (Law) The holding or occupation of an inheritable estate which descends from the ancestor to two or…
PARCENARY n. the state of being a parcener, a joint heir.
PLENARIESplenaries n. Plural of plenary.
PLENARY n. a book of gospels or epistles read at the Eucharist.
PLENARILYplenarily adv. In a plenary manner.
PLENARY adv. attended by all members.
SCENARIESSCENARY n. (obsolete) scenery.
SCENARIOSscenarios n. Plural of scenario.
SCENARIO n. (Italian) an outline of a dramatic work.
SCENARISEscenarise v. (Film, theater) To create the physical set and staging for a film or play.
scenarise v. To generate a scenario to illustrate an idea.
SCENARISE v. to make a scenario of, also SCENARIZE.
SCENARISTscenarist n. (Cinematography) A writer of screenplays; a screenwriter.
SCENARIST n. one who makes scenarios.
SCENARIZEscenarize v. Alternative form of scenarise.
SCENARIZE v. to make a scenario of, also SCENARISE.
SEPTENARYseptenary adj. Consisting of or containing seven.
septenary adj. Of seventh rank or order.
septenary adj. Lasting seven years; continuing seven years.
SPIKENARDspikenard n. A perfumed ointment, extracted from the plant Nardostachys jatamansi that belongs to the Valerian family…
spikenard n. The plant Nardostachys jatamansi (syn. Nardostachys grandiflora).
spikenard n. Lavandula stoechas, another species used in antiquity to produce an aromatic oil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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