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There are 15 nine-letter words containing ENAM

CODENAMEScodenames n. Plural of codename.
code␣names n. Plural of code name.
CODENAME n. a name used to conceal the identity of a plan or a person, also CODEWORD.
COENAMORSCOENAMOR v. to inflame with mutual love, also COENAMOUR.
COENAMOURCOENAMOUR v. to enamour jointly, also COENAMOR.
ENAMELERSenamelers n. Plural of enameler.
ENAMELER n. one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work, also ENAMELIST, ENAMELLER, ENAMELLIST.
ENAMELINGenameling v. (US) present participle of enamel.
enameling n. The art of applying enamel.
ENAMELING n. the act of coating with enamel.
ENAMELISTenamelist n. An artist who works with enamel.
ENAMELIST n. one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work, also ENAMELER, ENAMELLER, ENAMELLIST.
ENAMELLEDenamelled v. (British spelling) simple past tense and past participle of enamel.
ENAMEL v. to cover with a vitrified coating.
ENAMELLERenameller n. Alternative form of enameler.
ENAMELLER n. one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work, also ENAMELER, ENAMELIST, ENAMELLIST.
ENAMORADOenamorado n. (Dated) A lover; a person in love.
Enamorado prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ENAMORADO n. (obsolete) a lover.
ENAMORINGenamoring v. Present participle of enamor.
ENAMOR v. to inspire with love, also ENAMOUR.
ENAMOUREDenamoured adj. UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada spelling of enamored.
enamoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of enamour.
ENAMOUR v. to inspire with love, also ENAMOR.
FILENAMESfilenames n. Plural of filename.
file␣names n. Plural of file name.
FILENAME n. the name of a computer file.
FORENAMEDforenamed adj. Previously named; aforementioned.
forenamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of forename.
FORENAMED adj. having a forename.
FORENAMESforenames n. Plural of forename.
forenames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forename.
FORENAME n. a first name.
TRADENAMEtradename n. Alternative spelling of trade name.
trade␣name n. A name used to identify a commercial product or service; may or may not be registered as a trademark.
trade␣name n. The name under which a business or firm operates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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