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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing EMOC

BEMOCKINGbemocking v. Present participle of bemock.
BEMOCK v. (archaic) to mock.
CREMOCARPcremocarp n. (Botany) The fruit of fennel, carrot, parsnip, etc., consisting of a pair of carpels pendent from a supporting axis.
CREMOCARP n. the characteristic fruit of the Umbelliferae.
DEMOCRACYdemocracy n. (Uncountable) Rule by the people, especially as a form of government; either directly or through elected…
democracy n. (Countable, government) A government under the direct or representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction.
democracy n. (Countable) A state with a democratic system of government.
DEMOCRATSdemocrats n. Plural of democrat.
Democrats n. Plural of Democrat.
Democrats n. (Chiefly US, informal) The Democratic Party.
DEMOCRATYdemocraty n. Obsolete form of democracy.
DEMOCRATY n. (Milton) democracy, also DEMOCRACY.
HAEMOCOELhaemocoel n. (Biology) The cavity, between the organs of arthropods and molluscs, through which the blood etc. circulates.
HAEMOCOEL n. the central body cavity of many invertebrates, also HEMOCOEL.
HAEMOCYTEhaemocyte n. Alternative spelling of hemocyte.
HAEMOCYTE n. a blood cell, esp. a red cell, also HEMOCYTE.
HEMOCOELShemocoels n. Plural of hemocoel.
HEMOCOEL n. the central body cavity of many invertebrates, also HAEMOCOEL.
HEMOCONIAhemoconia n. Alternative form of haemoconia.
HEMOCONIA n. the small particles of matter, thought to be particles of the structure of red blood cells, that are present in blood that is flowing around the body, also HAEMOCONIA.
HEMOCYTEShemocytes n. Plural of hemocyte.
HEMOCYTE n. a blood cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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