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There are 19 nine-letter words containing ELIA

AURELIANSaurelians n. Plural of aurelian.
Aurelians n. Plural of Aurelian.
AURELIAN n. one who studies moths and butterflies.
BORRELIASborrelias n. Plural of borrelia.
BORRELIA n. a type of bacterium.
BROMELIADbromeliad n. Any of various tropical or subtropical New World herbaceous plants in the family Bromeliaceae.
BROMELIAD n. any plant of the genus Bromelia, that includes pineapples, also BROMELIA.
BROMELIASbromelias n. Plural of bromelia.
BROMELIA n. any plant of the genus Bromelia, that includes pineapples, also BROMELIAD.
CARNELIANcarnelian n. (Mineralogy) A hard, reddish brown chalcedony used in jewelry.
CARNELIAN n. a dull red or reddish-white kind of chalcedony, also CORNELIAN.
CORNELIANcornelian n. Alternative form of carnelian.
cornelian n. Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genus Deudorix.
cornelian n. The cornelian cherry (fruit).
DYSMELIASdysmelias n. Plural of dysmelia.
DYSMELIA n. the condition in which one or more limbs are misshapen or incomplete.
EPITHELIAepithelia n. Plural of epithelium.
EPITHELIUM n. the outer skin and cover for most internal organs.
GRINDELIAgrindelia n. (Medicine) The dried stems and leaves of tarweed (Grindelia), used as a remedy in asthma and bronchitis.
grindelia n. A member of the genus Grindelia.
Grindelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the gumweeds, found in the western Americas from Wyoming…
PARAKELIAPARAKELIA n. (Native Australian) a succulent Australian herb, also PARAKEELYA.
PERIHELIAperihelia n. Plural of perihelion.
perihelia n. Plural of perihelium.
PERIHELION n. the point of the orbit of a planet or a comet at which it is nearest to the sun, as opposed to aphelion.
PHACELIASphacelias n. Plural of phacelia.
PHACELIA n. any of various chiefly annual North American plants, with clustered blue, violet, or white flowers, frequently grown for ornament.
RELIABLESreliables n. Plural of reliable.
RELIABLE n. something, e.g. a car, that is reliable.
RELIANCESreliances n. Plural of reliance.
RELIANCE n. confident or trustful dependence.
RELIANTLYreliantly adv. In a reliant manner.
RELIANT adv. showing reliance.
SPREKELIASprekelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Amaryllidaceae – Aztec lily, Jacobean lily.
SPREKELIA n. a bulbous plant grown for its striking crimson or white pendent flowers.
STAPELIASstapelias n. Plural of stapelia.
STAPELIA n. any of various succulent southern African plants constituting the genus Stapelia.
TRISKELIAtriskelia n. Plural of triskelion.
TRISKELION n. a figure consisting of three radiating curves or legs, also TRISCELE, TRISKELE.
WEIGELIASweigelias n. Plural of weigelia.
WEIGELIA n. a hardy garden shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family, also WEIGELA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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