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There are 20 nine-letter words containing EGRE

DEGREASEDdegreased v. Simple past tense and past participle of degrease.
DEGREASE v. to remove the grease from.
DEGREASERdegreaser n. An industrial solvent, often containing polyhalogenated hydrocarbons, used to remove grease from mechanical parts.
degreaser n. A machine that accomplishes this task.
DEGREASER n. a substance that removes grease.
DEGREASESdegreases v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of degrease.
DEGREASE v. to remove the grease from.
EGREGIOUSegregious adj. Conspicuous, exceptional, outstanding; usually in a negative sense.
egregious adj. Outrageously bad; shocking.
EGREGIOUS adj. conspicuously bad or offensive.
EGRESSINGegressing v. Present participle of egress.
EGRESS v. to go out.
EGRESSIONegression n. The act of going; egress.
EGRESSION n. the act of going out.
EGRESSIVEegressive adj. Going or directed outward.
egressive adj. (Phonetics, of a speech sound) Uttered by pushing air out through the mouth or nose.
egressive adj. (Geology) descriptive of a place or channel through which something such as water or lava leaves an area.
GREEGREESgreegrees n. Plural of greegree.
GREEGREE n. an African talisman or spell, also GRIGRI, GRISGRIS.
NONDEGREEnondegree adj. Not of or pertaining to an academic degree.
NONDEGREE adj. of a course of study, that does not lead to a degree.
REGREDINGregreding v. Present participle of regrede.
REGREDE v. to retrograde.
REGREENEDregreened v. Simple past tense and past participle of regreen.
REGREEN v. to green again.
REGREETEDregreeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of regreet.
REGREET v. to greet in return.
REGRESSEDregressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of regress.
regressed adj. That has been subject to regression.
REGRESS v. to go back.
REGRESSESregresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of regress.
REGRESS v. to go back.
REGRESSORregressor n. That which regresses, or causes regression.
REGRESSOR n. one who regresses.
REGRETFULregretful adj. Full of feelings of regret, indulging in regrets.
regretful adj. Sorrowful about what has been lost or done.
REGRETFUL adj. full of regret.
REGRETTEDregretted v. Simple past tense and past participle of regret.
REGRET v. to look back upon with sorrow or remorse.
REGRETTERregretter n. One who regrets.
REGRETTER n. one who regrets.
SEGREGANTsegregant adj. (Genetics) Resulting from segregation.
segregant n. (Genetics) An organism that is the result of segregation; a segregate.
segregant n. (US, historical) An internee sent to the maximum-security Tule Lake (WWII internment camp for Japanese Americans).
SEGREGATEsegregate adj. Separate; select.
segregate adj. (Botany) Separated from others of the same kind.
segregate adj. (Geology) Separate from a mass and collected together along lines of fraction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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