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There are 4 nine-letter words containing EGAF

MEGAFARADmegafarad n. (Physics, obsolete) A unit of quantity of electric charge; the quantity of electricity flowing through…
megafarad n. An improbably large unit of electrical capacitance equal to one million farads.
MEGAFARAD n. a measure of electrical capacity, one million farads.
MEGAFAUNAmegafauna n. The large animals of a given region or time, considered as a group.
megafauna n. A treatise on such a group of large animals.
MEGAFAUNA n. the large or macroscopic animals, esp. the large vertebrates, of a given area, habitat, or epoch.
MEGAFLOPSmegaflops n. (Computing) a measure of the speed of a computer; one million floating point operations per second.
megaflops n. Plural of megaflop.
MEGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed in terms of number of floating point operations per second.
MEGAFLORAmegaflora n. (Botany) Any exceptionally large plant.
MEGAFLORA n. large plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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