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There are 20 nine-letter words containing EARL

BEPEARLEDbepearled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bepearl.
BEPEARL v. to cover with pearls.
DEARLINGSdearlings n. Plural of dearling.
DEARLING n. (Spenser) a much loved person, also DARLING.
EARLINESSearliness n. The condition of being early.
EARLINESS n. the state of being early.
EARLSHIPSearlships n. Plural of earlship.
EARLSHIP n. the rank of earl.
EARLYWOODearlywood n. Wood formed in a tree relatively early in the season.
EARLYWOOD n. the wood formed in the first part of the growth layer during the spring.
IMPEARLEDimpearled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impearl.
IMPEARL v. to make pearl-like.
NEARLIESTnearliest adv. (Archaic) superlative form of nearly: most nearly; most closely.
NEARLY adv. almost.
PEARLIESTpearliest adj. Superlative form of pearly: most pearly.
PEARLY adj. like a pearl.
PEARLINGSpearlings n. Plural of pearling.
pearlings n. (Scotland) A kind of lace of silk or thread.
PEARLING n. (Scots) a lace of silk or thread, used as edging, also PEARLIN.
PEARLISEDpearlised adj. Alternative spelling of pearlized.
PEARLISED adj. treated so as to give a pearly or lustrous surface, also PEARLIZED.
PEARLITESpearlites n. Plural of pearlite.
PEARLITE n. ferrite and cementite showing distinct bands.
PEARLITICpearlitic adj. (Mineralogy) Relating to or resembling pearlite.
PEARLITIC adj. relating to pearlite, ferrite and cementite showing distinct bands.
PEARLIZEDpearlized adj. Made to resemble pearl.
PEARLIZED adj. treated so as to give a pearly or lustrous surface, also PEARLISED.
PEARLWAREpearlware n. Creamware.
PEARLWARE n. goods made from pearl.
PEARLWORTpearlwort n. Any of several flowering plants that have flowers the shape and size of small pearls…
pearlwort n. In genus Sagina…
pearlwort n. In genus Colobanthus.
SHEARLEGSshearlegs n. Plural of shearleg.
shear␣legs n. (Nautical) A form of derrick, consisting of three poles and a block and tackle, used to hoist and lower…
SHEARLEG n. one of the spars of sheers, also SHEERLEG.
SHEARLINGshearling n. A sheep that has been shorn for the first time.
shearling n. (Chiefly US) A sheepskin or lambskin that has gone through a limited shearing process so that the fibers…
SHEARLING n. a one-year-old sheep, from which one crop of wool has been taken.
SPEARLIKEspearlike adj. Resembling a spear.
SPEARLIKE adj. like a spear.
UNCLEARLYunclearly adv. In an unclear manner.
UNCLEAR adv. not clear.
YEARLINGSyearlings n. Plural of yearling.
YEARLING n. a horse of either sex during 1 January to 31 December following the year of its birth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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