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There are 9 eight-letter words containing ETOP

FORETOPSforetops n. Plural of foretop.
FORETOP n. the platform at the head of the foremast.
HOUSETOPhousetop n. The roof of a house.
HOUSETOP n. the roof of a house.
METOPISMmetopism n. The condition of having a persistent metopic or frontal suture.
METOPISM n. the condition of having a frontal suture.
METOPONSMETOPON n. a pain-relieving drug derived from opium.
METOPRYLmetopryl n. Synonym of methoxypropane.
METOPRYL n. an anaesthetic related to ether.
RIDGETOPridgetop n. The crest that extends along the highest contours of a ridge.
RIDGETOP n. the crest of a ridge.
STOVETOPstovetop n. (Cooking, US, Canada) The top of a stove; usually specifically the burners.
stove-top n. Alternative form of stovetop.
STOVETOP n. the hob of a stove.
TABLETOPtabletop n. (Furniture) The flat, horizontal upper surface of a table.
tabletop n. (Skateboarding) A fixed item resembling a table, used for performing skateboarding tricks.
tabletop n. (Photography, advertising) A photograph of an object or product placed on a table.
TREETOPStreetops n. Plural of treetop.
TREETOP n. the top of a tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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