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There are 15 eight-letter words containing ETON

ACETONESacetones n. Plural of acetone.
ACETONE n. the simplest of the ketones; any ketone.
ACETONICacetonic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or producing acetone.
ACETONIC adj. of or pertaining to acetone, as, acetonic bodies.
BETONIESbetonies n. Plural of betony.
BETONY n. a labiate plant of woodland.
CRETONNEcretonne n. A strong, heavy fabric of cotton, linen or rayon, used to make curtains and upholstery.
CRETONNE n. (French) a heavy cotton or linen cloth.
DEMETONSDEMETON n. an insecticide.
DETONATEdetonate v. (Intransitive) To explode; to blow up. Specifically, to combust supersonically via shock compression.
detonate v. (Transitive) To cause to explode.
detonate v. (Intransitive, figurative) To express sudden anger.
DIKETONEdiketone n. (Chemistry) any compound having two neighbouring ketonic carbonyl groups.
DIKETONE n. a compound used in dye manufacture.
HAQUETONhaqueton n. Alternative form of aketon.
HAQUETON n. a stuffed jacket worn under mail, also ACTON, HACQUETON.
MAGNETONmagneton n. (Physics) any of several units of magnetic moment of an atom, molecule or subatomic particle.
MAGNETON n. a unit of magnetic moment.
METONYMSmetonyms n. Plural of metonym.
METONYM n. a word used in metonymy.
METONYMYmetonymy n. (Rhetoric) The use of a single characteristic or part of an object, concept or phenomenon to identify…
metonymy n. (Countable) A metonym.
METONYMY n. a type of figure of speech.
PHAETONSphaetons n. Plural of phaeton.
PHAETON n. (Greek) a light two-horse four-wheeled open carriage.
PRETONICpretonic adj. That immediately precedes a stressed syllable.
PRETONIC adj. denoting the syllable before the one bearing the primary stress in a word.
SKELETONskeleton n. (Anatomy) The system that provides support to an organism, internal and made up of bones and cartilage…
skeleton n. An anthropomorphic representation of a skeleton.
skeleton n. (Figuratively) A very thin person.
SYNDETONsyndeton n. (Grammar) a form of syntactic coordination of the elements of a sentence (conjuncts) with the help of…
SYNDETON n. in grammar, a syndetic construction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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