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There are 10 eight-letter words containing ETEN

APPETENTappetent adj. (Archaic) eagerly desirous.
APPETENT adj. craving.
DETENTESdetentes n. Plural of detente.
détentes n. Plural of détente.
DETENTE n. (French) a relaxation of strained relations, esp. between countries.
DETENUESDETENUE n. (French) a (female) prisoner, esp. a political prisoner in India.
PRETENCEpretence n. (British spelling) An act of pretending or pretension; a false claim or pretext.
pretence n. Something asserted or alleged on slight evidence; an unwarranted assumption.
pretence n. (Obsolete) Intention; design.
PRETENDSpretends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pretend.
PRETEND v. to make believe.
PRETENSEpretense n. (US) A false or hypocritical profession.
pretense n. Intention or purpose not real but professed.
pretense n. An unsupported claim made or implied.
QUIETENSquietens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quieten.
QUIETEN v. to make quiet.
REPETENDrepetend n. A refrain (having repeated words, sounds or phrases).
repetend n. (Mathematics) A repeated part in repeating decimals.
REPETEND n. a phrase or sound that is repeated.
SETENANTsetenant n. Alternative form of se-tenant.
se-tenant n. (Philately) A set of postage stamps with differing values, colours, etc, but printed on the same sheet.
SETENANT n. (French) in philately, two or more stamps joined together in an unsevered block of which at least one differs in design and value from the others.
SWEETENSsweetens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sweeten.
Sweetens prop.n. Plural of Sweeten.
SWEETEN v. to make sweet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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