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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing ERMO

DERMOIDSdermoids n. Plural of dermoid.
DERMOID n. a cyst or similar cell structure to that of the skin.
EVERMOREevermore adv. Always; forever; eternally.
evermore adv. At any time in the future.
ever-more adv. Alternative form of evermore.
INERMOUSinermous adj. (Botany) Without spines or thorns.
INERMOUS adj. without thorns, also INERM.
KERMODESkermodes n. Plural of kermode.
Kermodes n. Plural of Kermode.
KERMODE n. a type of black bear.
SERMONEDsermoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of sermon.
SERMON v. to preach a religious discourse.
SERMONERsermoner n. (Archaic, humorous or derogatory) A preacher; a sermonizer.
SERMONER n. a preacher; a sermonizer, also SERMONEER.
SERMONETsermonet n. A short sermon.
SERMONET n. a short sermon, also SERMONETTE.
SERMONICsermonic adj. Of or pertaining to sermons.
SERMONIC adj. like, or appropriate to, a sermon, also SERMONICAL.
SPERMOUSspermous adj. Relating to sperm.
SPERMOUS adj. pertaining to sperm, also SPERMATIC, SPERMATICAL, SPERMIC.
SUPERMOMsupermom n. (US, informal) A mother who looks after her home and children whilst being in full-time employment.
SUPERMOM n. a superior mother.
VERMOULUVERMOULU adj. (French) eaten by worms.
VERMOUTHvermouth n. A dry, or sweet apéritif wine flavored with aromatic herbs, and often used in mixed drinks.
vermouth n. A serving of vermouth.
VERMOUTH n. (French) a drink with a white wine base, flavoured with wormwood and other herbs, also VERMUTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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