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There are 17 eight-letter words containing ERET

BANNERETbanneret n. (Law, historical) Clipping of knight banneret: a knight entitled to subinfeudate his estate and to lead…
banneret n. A small banner.
banneret n. (Military, historical) A proposed but unadopted senior commissioned rank of the Royal Air Force equivalent…
BERETTASberettas n. Plural of beretta.
Berettas n. Plural of Beretta.
BERETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERRETTA, BIRETTA, BIRRETTA.
DIERETICdieretic adj. (Linguistics) Featuring diæresis.
dieretic adj. Written with a diæresis.
DIERETIC adj. of or like dieresis, the separation of two vowels into two syllables, also DIAERETIC.
DOSSERETdosseret n. A cubical block of stone above the capitals in a Byzantine church.
DOSSERET n. a block resting on the capital of a column.
ERETHISMerethism n. (Pathology) Abnormal excitement of a bodily organ or tissue.
erethism n. Any unusual or morbid overexcitement.
erethism n. A neurological disorder arising from mercury poisoning, leading to irritability, depression, etc.
FERETORYferetory n. A receptacle that houses relics of saints.
feretory n. An area of a church where relics are kept.
FERETORY n. a receptacle where sacred relics are stored.
FLOWERETfloweret n. A floret, or small or component flower.
FLOWERET n. a small flower, also FLORET.
HERETICSheretics n. Plural of heretic.
HERETIC n. one that upholds heresy.
HERETRIXheretrix n. Alternative form of heritrix.
HERETRIX n. (Latin) a female heritor, also HERITRIX.
LANNERETlanneret n. A male lanner, smaller than the female.
LANNERET n. the male lanner, a kind of falcon.
LEVERETSleverets n. Plural of leveret.
LEVERET n. a young hare.
OPERETTAoperetta n. (Music) A lighter version of opera with a frivolous story and spoken dialogue.
OPERETTA n. (Italian) a light musical drama with dialogue.
RIVERETSriverets n. Plural of riveret.
RIVERET n. (archaic) a small river.
SAKERETSsakerets n. Plural of sakeret.
SAKERET n. the male saker.
SOLERETSsolerets n. Plural of soleret.
SOLERET n. a metallic pointy toed shoe worn by knights, aka sabaton, also SOLLERET.
SOLLERETsolleret n. (Historical) A flexible armor shoe (usually steel) worn with mediaeval armour.
solleret n. (Historical) One of the plates forming a shoe of this kind.
SOLLERET n. a metallic pointy toed shoe worn by knights, aka sabaton, also SOLERET.
VELVERETvelveret n. A kind of velvet with cotton backing.
VELVERET n. a kind of velvet having a cotton backing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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