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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ENOR

ALIENORSalienors n. Plural of alienor.
ALIENOR n. a person who transfers property, also ALIENER.
CONVENORconvenor n. One who assembles people for an official or public purpose.
convenor n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A lecturer who takes on the mantle of managing a specific course.
CONVENOR n. one who convenes, also CONVENER.
ENORMITYenormity n. (Obsolete) Deviation from what is normal or standard; irregularity, abnormality.
enormity n. (Uncountable) Deviation from moral normality; extreme wickedness, nefariousness, or cruelty.
enormity n. (Countable) A breach of law or morality; a transgression, an act of evil or wickedness.
ENORMOUSenormous adj. (Obsolete) Deviating from the norm; unusual, extraordinary.
enormous adj. (Obsolete) Exceedingly wicked; atrocious or outrageous.
enormous adj. Extremely large; greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc.
MENORAHSmenorahs n. Plural of menorah.
MENORAH n. (Hebrew) a candleholder used in Jewish worship.
SENORITAsenorita n. Alternative form of señorita, the character ñ being very rarely used in English.
señorita n. A young, unmarried woman in or from a Hispanophone community.
señorita n. A small species of wrasse, Oxyjulis californica.
TENORINITENORINO n. a high tenor.
TENORINOTENORINO n. a high tenor.
TENORISTtenorist n. A tenor singer.
tenorist n. Someone who plays a tenor saxophone.
TENORIST n. one who sings tenor or plays a tenor instrument.
TENORITEtenorite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of cupric oxide.
TENORITE n. a triclinic oxide of copper occurring in minute iron-grey scales or black masses.
TENORMANTENORMAN n. a person who plays tenor saxophone.
TENORMENTENORMAN n. a person who plays tenor saxophone.
TENOROONtenoroon n. (Music) tenor bassoon.
TENOROON n. an obsolete tenor bassoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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