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There are 18 eight-letter words containing ENNE

CAYENNEDcayenned adj. Spiced with cayenne.
CAYENNED adj. containing cayenne.
CAYENNEScayennes n. Plural of cayenne.
CAYENNE n. a very strong pungent red pepper.
DOYENNESdoyennes n. Plural of doyenne.
DOYENNE n. (French) a women who is the eldest or senior member of a group or profession.
ENNEADICenneadic adj. Of, relating to, or being an ennead.
ENNEADIC adj. relating to an ennead, a set of nine.
ENNEAGONenneagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with nine sides; a nonagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
EOLIENNEeolienne n. Synonym of aeolian (“lightweight fabric”).
EOLIENNE n. (French) a fine dress fabric of silk and wool.
ETRENNESETRENNE n. (French) a New Year's gift.
EVENNESSevenness n. The quality of being even (flat or close in numbers).
EVENNESS n. the state of being even.
JULIENNEjulienne n. (Cooking) A garnish of vegetables cut into long, thin strips.
julienne v. (Transitive) To prepare by cutting in this way.
JULIENNE n. (French) a kind of soup containing thin slices or shreds of carrots, onions, etc.
KEENNESSkeenness n. Sharpness or cutting ability.
keenness n. Astuteness or sagacity.
keenness n. Eagerness or enthusiasm.
KENNELEDkenneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of kennel.
KENNEL v. to put in a dog house.
KENNETTSKennetts prop.n. Plural of Kennett.
KENNETT v. (Australian slang) to ruthlessly downsize an organisation, (after Jeff Kennett, premier of Victoria).
OPENNESSopenness n. Accommodating attitude or opinion, as in receptivity to new ideas, behaviors, cultures, peoples, environments…
openness n. The degree to which a person, group, organization, institution, or society exhibits this liberal attitude or opinion.
openness n. Lack of secrecy; candour, transparency.
PENNEECHPENNEECH n. an old card game, also PENNEECK.
PENNEECKPENNEECK n. an old card game, also PENNEECH.
UNKENNEDunkenned adj. (Scotland) Unknown.
UNKENNED adj. unknown, strange, also UNKEND, UNKENT.
UNKENNELunkennel v. (Transitive) To scare out from a lair or a den.
unkennel v. (Transitive) To let (dogs) out of a kennel.
unkennel v. (Figurative, transitive, intransitive) To reveal, uncover or unfold.
UNPENNEDunpenned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpen.
unpenned adj. Unwritten.
UNPEN v. to release from confinement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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