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There are 15 eight-letter words containing ENAR

CATENARYcatenary adj. Relating to a chain; like a chain.
catenary adj. Relating to a catena.
catenary n. (Geometry) The curve described by a flexible chain or a rope if it is supported at each end and is acted…
DECENARYdecenary adj. Of or related to the number ten, (particularly) as a base of numeration.
decenary adj. Containing or comprising ten items or units.
decenary adj. (Law, historical) Of or related to a tithing.
DENARIESdenaries n. Plural of denary.
DENARY n. a group of ten.
DENARIUSdenarius n. (Ancient Rome, numismatics) A small silver coin issued both during the Roman Republic and during the…
DENARIUS n. (Latin) a coin of ancient Rome.
ENARCHEDenarched adj. (Heraldry) Bent into a curve; said of a bend or other ordinary.
ENARCH v. to graft a plant.
ENARCHESenarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enarch.
ENARCH v. to graft a plant.
ENARGITEenargite n. (Mineralogy) A steel gray, blackish gray, to violet black copper arsenic sulfosalt mineral with a metallic luster.
ENARGITE n. a dark-grey crystalline copper arsenic sulphide, a minor ore of copper.
ENARMINGenarming v. Present participle of enarm.
ENARM v. (obsolete) to arm.
MENARCHEmenarche n. The onset of menstruation; a girl’s first period.
MENARCHE n. (Greek) the first occurrence of menstruation.
NOVENARYnovenary n. A group of nine.
novenary adj. Pertaining to the number nine.
NOVENARY n. a set of nine things.
PLENARTYplenarty n. (Law, historical) The state of a benefice when occupied.
PLENARTY n. the state of an occupied benefice.
SCENARIOscenario n. An outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work.
scenario n. A screenplay itself, or an outline or a treatment of it.
scenario n. An outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events.
SENARIESSENARY n. a set of six.
SENARIUSsenarius n. (Poetry) A verse having six metric feet.
SENARIUS n. (Latin) a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet.
VICENARYvicenary adj. Of or pertaining to twenty.
VICENARY adj. pertaining to the number twenty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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