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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ENAL

ADRENALSadrenals n. Plural of adrenal.
ADRENAL n. an adrenal gland.
ARSENALSarsenals n. Plural of arsenal.
ARSENAL n. a storehouse for weapons.
CRUMENALCRUMENAL n. (Spenser) a purse.
DUODENALduodenal adj. Of or pertaining to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.
DUODENAL adj. pertaining to the duodenum.
ENALLAGEenallage n. (Rhetoric) Transformation from one grammatically correct form to another.
enallage n. (Rhetoric) The substitution of one grammatical form for another that violates a grammatical rule.
ENALLAGE n. the exchange of one grammatical case for another, as of singular for plural, present for past tense, etc.
JUVENALSjuvenals n. Plural of juvenal.
JUVENAL n. a young bird.
NOUMENALnoumenal adj. (Philosophy, especially Kantianism) Of or pertaining to the noumenon or the realm of things as they are in themselves.
NOUMENAL adj. of or pertaining to the noumenon; real as opposed to phenomenal.
PENALISEpenalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of penalize.
PENALISE v. to subject to penalty, also PENALIZE.
PENALITYpenality n. The quality or state of being penal; liability to punishment.
PENALITY n. liability to punishment.
PENALIZEpenalize v. (Transitive) To subject to a penalty, especially for the infringement of a rule or regulation.
penalize v. (Transitive, sports) To impose a handicap on.
PENALIZE v. to subject to penalty, also PENALISE.
PRERENALprerenal adj. Situated above the kidneys, or at the junction of the vena cava and the renal vein.
prerenal adj. Occurring in the blood supply to the kidneys.
PRERENAL adj. situated in front of the kidneys.
PROPENALpropenal n. (Organic chemistry) The compound acrolein.
PROPENAL n. another name for acrolein.
VENALITYvenality n. The fact or state of being for sale, especially with reference to bribes or corruption.
VENALITY n. the state of being venal, or purchasable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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