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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ECON

ECONOBOXeconobox n. (Informal) A small, unassuming automobile.
ECONOBOX n. a small economical car.
ECONOMICeconomic adj. Pertaining to an economy.
economic adj. Frugal; cheap (in the sense of representing good value); economical.
economic adj. Pertaining to the study of money and its movement.
MECONATEmeconate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of meconic acid.
MECONATE n. a salt of meconic acid.
MECONINSMECONIN n. a white, fusible, neutral substance existing in opium.
MECONIUMmeconium n. (Medicine) A dark green mass, the contents of the fetal intestines during the later stages of mammalian…
meconium n. (Obsolete) Opium.
MECONIUM n. the first fecal excretion of a newborn child.
PINECONEpinecone n. A seed-bearing conical fruit of a pine tree.
pine-cone n. Alternative form of pinecone.
pine␣cone n. Alternative form of pinecone.
RECONFERreconfer v. To confer again.
RECONFER v. to confer again.
RECONNEDreconned v. Simple past tense and past participle of recon.
RECON v. to conduct a preliminary survey.
RECONVEYreconvey v. (Transitive) To convey again, or back to a former place or owner.
RECONVEY v. to convey back to a previous position.
SECONALSSECONAL n. (tradename) a hypnotic and soporific barbiturate, aka secobarbital.
SECONDEDseconded v. Simple past tense and past participle of second.
SECOND v. to support a motion.
SECONDEEsecondee n. A person who is transferred temporarily to alternative employment, or seconded.
SECONDEE n. a person on secondment.
SECONDERseconder n. (In combination) Something that lasts or takes a specified number of seconds.
seconder n. The person who makes a second to a motion in any formal procedure, such as a parliamentary procedure.
seconder n. (Scouting) A Cub Scout serving as a second-in-command to a sixer.
SECONDESsecondes n. Plural of seconde.
SECONDE n. (French) in fencing, a position in parrying.
SECONDLYsecondly adv. In the second place.
SECOND adv. number two in sequence.
TELECONStelecons n. Plural of telecon.
TELECON n. (short for) teleconference.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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