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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ECKL

DECKLESSdeckless adj. Without a deck.
DECKLESS adj. lacking a deck.
FECKLESSfeckless adj. Lacking purpose.
feckless adj. Without skill, ineffective, incompetent.
feckless adj. Lacking the courage to act in any meaningful way.
FRECKLEDfreckled adj. Having freckles; covered with freckles.
FRECKLE v. to mark with small brown spots.
FRECKLESfreckles n. Plural of freckle.
FRECKLE v. to mark with small brown spots.
HECKLERShecklers n. Plural of heckler.
Hecklers prop.n. Plural of Heckler.
HECKLER n. one that heckles.
HECKLINGheckling v. Present participle of heckle.
heckling n. The act of one who heckles.
heckling n. The preparation of flax for spinning using special combs called hackles.
KECKLINGkeckling n. Old rope or iron chains wound around a cable.
KECKLING n. a protective layer of rope.
NECKLACEnecklace n. An article of jewelry that is worn around the neck, most often made of a string of precious metal, pearls…
necklace n. (Figuratively) Anything resembling a necklace in shape.
necklace n. (South Africa) A device used in necklacing (an informal execution); a rubber tyre that is filled with…
NECKLESSneckless adj. Without a neck.
NECKLESS adj. without a neck.
NECKLETSnecklets n. Plural of necklet.
NECKLET n. an ornament for wearing round the neck.
NECKLIKEnecklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a neck.
NECKLIKE adj. resembling a neck.
NECKLINEneckline n. The line formed by the edge of an article of clothing that surrounds the neck, especially as seen at the front.
NECKLINE n. the shape or position of the upper edge of a dress, blouse, etc.
RECKLESSreckless adj. Careless or heedless; headstrong or rash.
reckless adj. Indifferent or oblivious to danger or the consequences thereof.
Reckless prop.n. A surname.
RECKLINGreckling n. (Archaic) A weak child or animal.
reckling n. (Archaic) A reckless person.
RECKLING n. (Old Norse) the runt of a litter.
SPECKLEDspeckled adj. Marked with dots or spots, spotted.
speckled adj. Sporadically and irregularly marked.
SPECKLE v. to mark with small spots, also SPECK.
SPECKLESspeckles n. Plural of speckle.
SPECKLE v. to mark with small spots, also SPECK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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