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There are 13 seven-letter words containing EYES

BIGEYESbigeyes n. Plural of bigeye.
BIGEYE n. a kind of marine fish with large eyes.
BUGEYESbugeyes n. Alternative form of bug eyes.
bugeyes n. Plural of bugeye.
bug␣eyes n. Bulging or protruding eyes.
EYESHOTeyeshot n. Range of vision, a distance in which something is visible.
eyeshot n. (Photography) Range.
eyeshot n. (Archaic) A brief glance.
EYESOMEeyesome adj. (Archaic, often poetic) Visually attractive.
EYESOME adj. pleasant to look at.
EYESOREeyesore n. An eye lesion.
eyesore n. A displeasing sight; something prominently ugly or unsightly.
EYESORE n. something unpleasant to look at.
EYESPOTeyespot n. (Biology) Any of various primitive light-sensitive organs or regions in many diverse organisms.
eyespot n. An eye-like marking on the tail of a peacock or the wing of a butterfly.
eyespot n. (Botany) Any of a group of fungal infections of grasses that are characterized by oval spots; strawbreaker.
GREYESTgreyest adj. Superlative form of grey: most grey.
GREY adj. between black and white, also GRAY.
MAMEYESmameyes n. Plural of mamey.
MAMEY n. a tropical plant having an edible fruit with bright yellow pulp, also MAMEE, MAMIE, MAMMEE, MAMMEY.
MUDEYESmud-eyes n. Plural of mud-eye.
MUDEYE n. (Australian) the larva of the dragonfly, commonly used as a fishing bait.
REDEYESredeyes n. Plural of redeye.
red-eyes n. Plural of red-eye.
red␣eyes n. Plural of red eye.
RIBEYESribeyes n. Plural of ribeye; Ellipsis of ribeye steaks.
rib-eyes n. Plural of rib-eye; Synonym of ribeye steaks; Alternative form of ribeyes; Ellipsis of rib-eye steaks.
rib␣eyes n. Plural of rib eye; Synonym of ribeye steaks; Alternative form of ribeyes; Ellipsis of rib eye steaks.
STEYESTSTEY adj. (Scots) steep.
WAXEYESWAXEYE n. a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye, aka tauhou.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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