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There are 15 seven-letter words containing EVIS

DEVISALdevisal n. An act of devising.
DEVISAL n. the act of devising.
DEVISEDdevised v. Simple past tense and past participle of devise.
DEVISE v. to form in the mind.
DEVISEEdevisee n. (Law) The person or entity to whom property is devised in a will.
DEVISEE n. one to whom property is bequeathed in a will.
DEVISERdeviser n. A person who devises something; a planner or inventor.
DEVISER n. one who devises.
DEVISESdevises n. Plural of devise.
devises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of devise.
DEVISE v. to form in the mind.
DEVISORdevisor n. (Law) testator.
DEVISOR n. a person who bequeaths.
PEEVISHpeevish adj. Characterized by or exhibiting petty bad temper, bad-tempered, moody, cross.
peevish adj. Constantly complaining, whining; childishly fretful.
peevish adj. Easily annoyed, especially by things that are not important; irritable, querulous.
PREVISEprevise v. To foresee.
previse v. To forewarn.
PREVISE v. to foresee.
REVISALrevisal n. The act of revising; a revision.
REVISAL n. a revised version, also REVISION.
REVISEDrevised v. Simple past tense and past participle of revise.
REVISE v. to make a new or improved version of.
REVISERreviser n. One who revises.
reviser n. (Translation studies) A person who verifies the quality of a translated text in professional translation…
reviser n. (Law, US) In several states, an official charged with the responsibility for making new statutes technically…
REVISESrevises n. Plural of revise.
revises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revise.
REVISE v. to make a new or improved version of.
REVISITrevisit v. To visit again.
revisit v. To reconsider or re-experience something.
revisit n. An act of revisiting; a second or subsequent visit.
REVISORrevisor n. Alternative form of reviser.
REVISOR n. one who revises, also REVISER.
TREVISStreviss n. A stall for an animal.
treviss n. A bar or beam that separates animals’ stalls.
TREVISS n. a stall, also TRAVIS, TREVIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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