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There are 8 seven-letter words containing ETON

ACETONEacetone n. (Organic chemistry) A colourless, volatile, flammable liquid ketone, (CH3)2CO, used as a solvent.
ACETONE n. the simplest of the ketones; any ketone.
BRETONSBretons n. Plural of Breton.
BRETON n. (French) a hat with rounded crown and turned up brim.
CRETONScretons n. Plural of creton.
CRETONS n. a spread of shredded pork cooked with onions in pork fat.
DEMETONdemeton n. An organophosphate insecticide, 1-(2-diethoxyphosphorylsulfanylethylsulfanyl)ethane.
DEMETON n. an insecticide.
KETONESketones n. Plural of ketone.
KETONE n. a chemical compound of carbon, obtained by distilling salts of organic acids.
KETONICketonic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, relating to, or being a ketone.
KETONIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, a ketone; as, a ketonic acid.
METONYMmetonym n. (Grammar) A word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object;…
metonym n. (By extension) A concept, idea, or word used to represent, typify, or stand in for a broader set of ideas.
METONYM n. a word used in metonymy.
PHAETONphaeton n. (Vehicles) a light four-wheeled open carriage drawn by four horses.
phaeton n. (Automotive) a large open touring motorcar with a folding top.
Phaeton prop.n. Alternative form of Phaëthon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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