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There are 19 seven-letter words containing ERIC

CLERICSclerics n. Plural of cleric.
CLERIC n. a member of the clergy, also CLERICAL.
DIMERICdimeric adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or being a dimer.
DIMERIC adj. composed of two parts, also DIMEROUS.
DINERICdineric adj. Of a liquid: eddying or whirling.
dineric adj. Relating to the interface between immiscible liquids.
DINERIC adj. pertaining to the interface between two immiscible liquids.
ENTERICenteric adj. Of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines.
enteric adj. Staying intact in the stomach, then dissolving in the intestine.
ENTERIC n. typhoid fever.
ERICOIDericoid adj. Of or pertaining to plants of the genus Erica.
ERICOID adj. with heather-like leaves.
ETHERICetheric adj. Of or pertaining to the ether (all-pervading medium); composed of ether; inhabiting the ether.
FLUERICflueric adj. Of or relating to fluerics.
FLUERIC adj. pertaining to a branch of mechanical engineering.
GENERICgeneric adj. Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups (genera) as opposed to specific instances.
generic adj. Lacking in precision, often in an evasive fashion; vague; imprecise.
generic adj. (Of a product or drug) not having a brand name; nonproprietary in design or contents; fungible with…
HOMERIChomeric adj. Alternative letter-case form of Homeric.
Homeric adj. Resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer.
Homeric adj. Of or pertaining to Greece during the Bronze Age, as described in Homer’s works.
ICTERICicteric adj. (Medicine) Jaundiced (having icterus); having yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes of the sclerae…
icteric adj. Relating to jaundice.
icteric n. A medicine for jaundice.
NUMERICnumeric adj. Of or relating to numbers, especially the characters 0 to 9.
numeric adj. (Obsolete) Alternative form of numerical (“the same; identical”).
numeric n. (Mathematics) Any number, proper or improper fraction, or incommensurable ratio.
PERICONPERICON n. (Spanish) an Argentinan folk-dance performed by couples dancing in a ring.
PIPERICPIPERIC adj. applied to an acid obtained from piperine, an alkaloid found in black pepper.
SERICINsericin n. A water-soluble glycoprotein that binds the two fibroin filaments of a silk fibre.
SERICIN n. the gelatinous protein found in raw silk.
SERICONsericon n. (Obsolete) A red tincture in alchemy.
SERICON n. a conjectural red or black tincture in alchemy.
SFERICSsferics n. Plural of sferic.
sferics n. Electromagnetic pulses caused by atmospheric phenomena, such as lightning. plural of sferic.
sferics n. Radio interference caused by sferics; atmospherics.
SPHERICspheric adj. Spherical.
spheric adj. Of or relating to the heavenly orbs, or to the sphere or spheres in which, according to ancient astronomy…
spheric n. Alternative form of sferic.
SUBERICsuberic adj. (Dated) Of or relating to the layer of cells in trees just below the epidermis.
SUBERIC adj. relating to an acid obtained by the action of nitric acid on cork.
VALERICvaleric adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from valeric acid.
VALERIC adj. as in valeric acid, a fatty acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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