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There are 15 seven-letter words containing EPER

BEEPERSbeepers n. Plural of beeper.
BEEPER n. a paging device.
BLEEPERbleeper n. Something or someone that bleeps.
bleeper n. An electronic device that makes a bleeping sound to obscure certain words, used to censor spoken dialogue.
BLEEPER n. a device that bleeps.
CHEEPERcheeper n. An immature bird.
CHEEPER n. a young bird, esp. a game-bird.
CREEPERcreeper n. A person or a thing that crawls or creeps.
creeper n. (Often in the plural) A one-piece garment for infants designed to facilitate access to the wearer’s diaper.
creeper n. A device which allows a small child to safely roam around a room from a seated or standing position.
DEPERMSdeperms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deperm.
deperms n. Plural of deperm.
DEPERM v. to demagnetize (a ship or submarine) to protect it from magnetic detection.
EPERDUEEPERDUE adj. (French) desperately in love (of a female).
EPERGNEepergne n. A table centerpiece, usually made of silver, generally consisting of a central bowl with radiating dishes or holders.
épergne n. Alternative spelling of epergne.
EPERGNE n. (French) a branched ornamental centrepiece.
JEEPERSjeepers interj. Used to express surprise.
JEEPERS interj. used as a mild oath.
KEEPERSkeepers n. Plural of keeper.
Keepers prop.n. A surname from Dutch.
Keepers prop.n. Plural of Keeper.
PEEPERSpeepers n. Plural of peeper (eyes).
PEEPER n. a kind of tree-frog.
REPERKSreperks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reperk.
REPERK v. to brew again.
SLEEPERsleeper n. Someone who sleeps.
sleeper n. That which lies dormant, as a law.
sleeper n. A spy, saboteur, or terrorist who lives unobtrusively in a community until activated by a prearranged…
STEEPERsteeper adj. Comparative form of steep: more steep.
steeper n. A vessel, vat, or cistern in which things are steeped.
steeper n. The stem of a shrub or small tree in a hedgerow, often laid by being partially cut through at the base…
SWEEPERsweeper n. One who sweeps.
sweeper n. One who sweeps floors or chimneys.
sweeper n. A detector (for mines).
WEEPERSweepers n. Plural of weeper.
WEEPER n. one who weeps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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