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There are 15 seven-letter words containing ENIN

ADENINEadenine n. (Biochemistry, genetics) A base, C5H5N5, found in certain glands and tissues, which pairs with thymine…
ADENINE n. one of the four bases in DNA.
AMENINGamening v. Present participle of amen.
AMEN v. to conclude prayerfully.
EVENINGevening n. The time of the day between dusk and night, when it gets dark.
evening n. The time of the day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight (compare afternoon);…
evening n. (Figuratively) A concluding time period; a point in time near the end of something; the beginning of…
FENINGAfeninga n. Plural of fening.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
FENINGSfenings n. Plural of fening.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
HYENINEhyenine adj. Characteristic of or pertaining to hyenas.
HYENINE adj. of or like a hyena, also HYAENIC, HYENIC, HYENOID.
KEENINGkeening adj. Sharp, shrill, especially of a sound.
keening n. Intense mournful wailing after a death, often at a funeral or wake.
keening n. (By extension) An unpleasant wailing sound.
OMENINGomening v. Present participle of omen.
omening n. An omen or harbinger.
OMEN v. to provide with a prophetic sign.
OPENINGopening v. Present participle of open.
opening adj. Pertaining to the start or beginning of a series of events.
opening adj. (Cricket) describing the first period of play, usually up to the fall of the first wicket; describing…
OVENINGOVEN v. to cook in an oven.
PEENINGpeening n. The hardening of a metal surface by hammering, or by blasting with shot.
peening v. Present participle of peen.
PEENING n. the act of beating thin with a hammer.
SCENINGscening v. Present participle of scene.
SCENE v. to set in a place of action.
TEENINGteening v. Present participle of teen.
TEEN v. (obsolete) to injure.
VENINESVENINE n. any of various toxic substances in venom, also VENIN.
WEENINGweening n. Presumption, imagination, supposition.
weening v. Present participle of ween.
WEEN v. (archaic) to think; to imagine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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