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There are 13 seven-letter words containing EMON

ANEMONEanemone n. Any plant of the genus Anemone, of the Ranunculaceae (or buttercup) family, such as the windflower.
anemone n. A sea anemone.
Anemone prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – the anemones.
CREMONACremona prop.n. Province of Lombardy, Italy.
Cremona prop.n. City and capital of Cremona.
Cremona prop.n. A village in Alberta, Canada.
DAEMONSdaemons n. Plural of daemon.
dæmons n. Plural of dæmon.
DAEMON n. (Greek) an inward spirit; personality; genius, also DAIMON.
DEMONICdemonic adj. Pertaining to demons or evil spirits; demoniac.
demonic adj. Pertaining to dæmons in ancient Greek thought; concerning supernatural ‘genius’.
demonic adj. Extremely cruel or evil; abhorrent or repugnant.
DEMONRYdemonry n. Demonic activity, influence, or possession.
DEMONRY n. demoniacal influence.
DEMONYMdemonym n. A name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place, usually derived from the name of the place.
demonym n. (Obsolete) A pseudonym formed of an adjective.
DEMONYM n. a name used to denote the inhabitants of a place.
EMONGESemonges prep. Obsolete form of amongst.
EMONGES prep. (obsolete) in the midst of, also AMONG, AMONGST, EMONG, EMONGEST, EMONGST, MONGST.
EMONGSTemongst prep. Obsolete form of amongst.
EMONGST prep. (obsolete) in the midst of, also AMONG, AMONGST, EMONG, EMONGES, EMONGEST, MONGST.
EUDEMONeudemon n. Alternative form of eudaemon.
EUDEMON n. (Greek) a benevolent spirit, also EUDAEMON, EUDAIMON.
HAEMONYhaemony n. (Rare) A magical plant mentioned by John Milton, said to be good against enchantments.
Hæmony n. Archaic form of haemony.
HAEMONY n. a plant which could act against magic.
HEGEMONhegemon n. A dominating leader or force, especially that which dominates a separate political entity; a hegemonist.
HEGEMON n. a political state having hegemony.
LEMONEDlemoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of lemon.
LEMON v. to flavour with the juice of a citrus fruit.
MNEMONSmnemons n. Plural of mnemon.
MNEMON n. (Greek) a hypothetical unit of memory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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