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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing EGRO

ALLEGROallegro n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a quick, lively tempo, faster than…
allegro n. (Music, more, traditionally) An expressive mark indicating that a passage is to be played in a lively…
allegro n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
BEGROANbegroan v. (Transitive) To groan about; bewail; groan at.
BEGROAN v. to groan at.
LEGROOMlegroom n. Space to stretch the legs while seated.
legroom n. (Figurative) Freedom to move or grow.
LEGROOM n. space in which to stretch the legs.
NEGROIDnegroid adj. (Anthropology, dated, offensive) having negro features racially. Pertaining to a racial classification…
negroid n. (Anthropology, dated, offensive) A person with negroid characteristics, particularly coiled hair and…
Negroid n. Alternative letter-case form of negroid.
NEGRONInegroni n. A cocktail consisting of gin, Campari and vermouth.
NEGRONI n. (Italian) an alcoholic beverage, also NEGUS.
REGROOMregroom v. (Transitive) To groom again.
REGROOM v. to groom again.
REGROUPregroup v. (Intransitive) To pause and get organized again.
regroup v. (Transitive) To group or categorize again.
regroup n. An act of regrouping.
REGROWNregrown adj. That grew, was lost or destroyed, and regrew.
regrown v. Past participle of regrow.
REGROW v. to grow again.
REGROWSregrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of regrow.
REGROW v. to grow again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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