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There are 14 seven-letter words containing ECHI

CHECHIAchechia n. Alternative form of shashiya.
CHECHIA n. (French) a cylindrical skullcap, worn by Arabs and adopted by French troops in North Africa.
ECHIDNAechidna n. Any of the species of small spined monotremes in family Tachyglossidae, the four extant species of which…
Echidna prop.n. (Greek mythology) A female monster who, along with Typhon, mothered the vast majority of the famous…
Echidna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Muraenidae – some moray eels.
ECHINUSechinus n. A sea urchin.
echinus n. (Architecture) The rounded moulding forming the bell of the capital of the Grecian Doric style, which…
echinus n. (Architecture) The quarter-round moulding (ovolo) of the Roman Doric style.
ECHIUMSechiums n. Plural of echium.
ECHIUM n. any plant of a genus that includes viper's bugloss.
EECHINGEECH v. to augment, also EKE, ECH, ECHE, EIK, ICH.
LECHINGleching v. Present participle of lech.
LECH v. to engage in lechery, also LETCH.
PECHINGpeching v. Present participle of pech.
PECH v. (Scots) to pant, also PEGH.
RECHIPSrechips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rechip.
RECHIP v. to change the electronic identity of (a stolen mobile phone).
REECHIEREECHIE adj. (Shakespeare) smoky, grimy, also RECHIE, REECHY, REEKIE, REEKY.
TECHIERtechier adj. Comparative form of techy: more techy.
TECHY adj. irritable, also TEACHIE, TETCHY.
TECHIEStechies n. Plural of techie.
TECHIE n. an expert in or enthusiast for technology, also TEKKIE.
TECHILYtechily adv. Alternative form of tetchily.
TECHY adv. irritable, also TEACHIE, TETCHY.
YECHIERyechier adj. Comparative form of yechy: more yechy.
YECHY adj. disgusting.
ZECHINSzechins n. Plural of zechin.
ZECHIN n. (Italian) a former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHIN, ZECCHINE, ZECCHINO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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