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There are 13 six-letter words containing ELLO

BELLOWbellow n. The deep roar of a large animal, or any similar loud noise.
bellow v. To make a loud, deep, hollow noise like the roar of an angry bull.
bellow v. To shout in a deep voice.
CELLOScellos n. Plural of cello.
'cellos n. Plural of ’cello: abbreviation of violoncellos.
CELLO n. a stringed musical instrument.
DUELLOduello n. (Obsolete) A duel.
DUELLO n. (Italian) a duel, duelling.
ELLOPSELLOPS n. (obsolete) a type of sturgeon, also ELOPS.
FELLOEfelloe n. The outer rim of a wheel, supported by the spokes.
FELLOE n. the rim of a wheel, also FELLY.
FELLOWfellow n. (Chiefly in the plural, also figuratively) A companion; a comrade.
fellow n. (Chiefly in the plural) An animal which is a member of a breed or species, or a flock, herd, etc.
fellow n. (Chiefly in the plural) An object which is associated with another object; especially, as part of a set.
HELLOShellos n. Plural of hello.
hellos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hello.
JELLOSjellos n. Plural of jello.
JELLO n. (tradename) a dessert made from flavoured gelatine.
MELLOWmellow adj. (Also figuratively, of fruit) Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp.
mellow adj. (Also figuratively, of food or drink, or its flavour) Matured and smooth, and not acidic, harsh, or sharp.
mellow adj. (Of soil) Soft and easily penetrated or worked; not hard or rigid; loamy.
NIELLOniello n. (Metallurgy) Any of various black metal alloys, made of sulphur with copper, silver or lead, used to…
niello n. An impression on paper taken from the engraved or incised surface before the niello alloy has been inlaid.
niello v. (Transitive) To decorate (a surface) using this technique.
RELLOSrellos n. Plural of rello.
RELLO n. (Australian slang) a relative, also RELLIE.
VELLONvellon n. (Historical, often attributive) An old Spanish coin made from copper-based billon.
VELLON n. (Spanish) a copper and silver alloy used in Spanish coinage.
YELLOWyellow adj. Having yellow as its color.
yellow adj. (Informal) Lacking courage.
yellow adj. (Publishing, journalism) Characterized by sensationalism, lurid content, and doubtful accuracy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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