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There are 6 five-letter words containing ERSE

ERSESERS n. a European vetch, also ERVIL.
HERSEherse n. A kind of gate or portcullis, having iron bars, like a harrow, studded with iron spikes, hung above…
herse n. Obsolete form of hearse (a carriage for the dead).
herse n. (Obsolete) A funeral ceremony.
MERSEMERSE n. (Scots) a low flat marshland.
PERSEperse n. A dark blue-gray colour.
perse n. A cloth of this colour.
perse adj. Dark greyish blue or purple.
TERSEterse adj. (By extension) Of speech or style: brief, concise, to the point.
terse adj. (By extension) Of manner or speech: abruptly or brusquely short; curt.
terse adj. (Obsolete) Burnished, polished; fine, smooth; neat, spruce.
VERSEverse n. A poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme.
verse n. Poetic form in general.
verse n. One of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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