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There are 11 five-letter words containing ERES

BERESBERE n. barley, esp. the six-rowed barley.
CERESceres n. Plural of cere.
Ceres prop.n. (Roman mythology) The Roman goddess of agriculture; equivalent to the Greek goddess Demeter.
Ceres prop.n. (Astronomy) A celestial body orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, the largest asteroid and innermost dwarf…
DERESderes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dere.
dere's cont. (Colloquial) There is, there’s (dere is).
DERE v. (Spenser) to injure, also DEAR, DEARE.
FERESferes n. Plural of fere.
FERE n. (Scots) a companion, also FEARE, FIER, FIERE, PHEER, PHEERE.
GERESGeres prop.n. Plural of Gere.
GERE n. (Spenser) gear, equipment.
HERESheres n. Plural of here.
here's cont. Contraction of here is.
here's cont. (Nonstandard) Contraction of here are.
LERESLERE v. (Scots) to teach, also LEAR, LEARE, LEIR.
MERESmeres n. Plural of mere.
MERE v. to mark off, divide, also MEARE, MEER.
PERESPeres prop.n. Plural of Pere.
pères n. Plural of père.
PERE n. (French) father.
SERESseres n. Plural of sere.
Seres prop.n. A surname.
SERE v. to burn the surface of, also SEAR.
TERESteres n. (Anatomy) A terete muscle.
TERES n. (Latin) either of two muscles of the shoulder-blade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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