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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing ECES

BATTLEPIECESbattle␣pieces n. Plural of battle piece.
BATTLEPIECE n. a painting, relief, mosaic, etc., depicting a battle, usually commemorating an actual event.
CENTERPIECEScenterpieces n. Plural of centerpiece.
CENTERPIECE n. the central feature of a display, also CENTREPIECE.
CENTREPIECEScentrepieces n. Plural of centrepiece.
CENTREPIECE n. a central piece in a display, also CENTERPIECE.
MANTELPIECESmantelpieces n. Plural of mantelpiece.
MANTELPIECE n. a mantel with its side elements.
MASTERPIECESmasterpieces n. Plural of masterpiece.
master-pieces n. Plural of master-piece.
MASTERPIECE n. a work done with extraordinary skill.
NECESSARIANSnecessarians n. Plural of necessarian.
Necessarians n. Plural of Necessarian.
NECESSITATEDnecessitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of necessitate.
NECESSITATE v. to make necessary.
NECESSITATESnecessitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of necessitate.
NECESSITATE v. to make necessary.
NONNECESSITYnonnecessity n. That which is not a necessity.
NONNECESSITY n. something that is not a necessity.
PRECESSIONALprecessional adj. Of or pertaining to precession.
PRECESSIONAL adj. relating to precession.
PREDECESSORSpredecessors n. Plural of predecessor.
PREDECESSOR n. one that precedes.
PRERECESSIONprerecession adj. (Economics) Occurring before a recession.
PRERECESSION adj. taking place before a recession.
RECESSIONALSrecessionals n. Plural of recessional.
RECESSIONAL n. a hymn or musical piece at the conclusion of a service or program.
RECESSIONARYrecessionary adj. Of or relating to a recession.
RECESSIONARY adj. relating to recession.
SECESSIONISMsecessionism n. The doctrine or policy of secession.
SECESSIONISM n. support for secession.
SECESSIONISTsecessionist n. A person who secedes or supports secession from a political union or an alliance or organisation.
secessionist adj. Seceding or supporting secession.
SECESSIONIST n. one who joins in a secession or maintains that secession is a right.
STRINGPIECESstringpieces n. Plural of stringpiece.
STRINGPIECE n. the heavy squared timber lying along the top of the piles forming a dock front or timber pier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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