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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing EVIS

BOLSHEVISEDbolshevised v. Simple past tense and past participle of bolshevise.
BOLSHEVISE v. to make a bolshevik, also BOLSHEVIZE.
BOLSHEVISESbolshevises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bolshevise.
BOLSHEVISE v. to make a bolshevik, also BOLSHEVIZE.
BOLSHEVISMSbolshevisms n. Plural of bolshevism.
Bolshevisms n. Plural of Bolshevism.
BOLSHEVISM n. being a bolshevik.
CABLEVISIONcablevision n. Cable television.
CABLEVISION n. (tradename) television transmission by cable.
CHEVISANCESchevisances n. Plural of chevisance.
CHEVISANCE n. (obsolete) resource; achievement; gain.
EVISCERATEDeviscerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of eviscerate.
EVISCERATE v. to deprive of the viscera, or entrails, also VISCERATE.
EVISCERATESeviscerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eviscerate.
EVISCERATE v. to deprive of the viscera, or entrails, also VISCERATE.
EVISCERATOReviscerator n. Someone who eviscerates, whether physically or metaphorically.
eviscerator n. A device for eviscerating something.
EVISCERATOR n. one who eviscerates.
PEEVISHNESSpeevishness n. The state of being peevish.
PEEVISHNESS n. the state of being peevish.
PONTLEVISESPONTLEVIS n. (French) a drawbridge.
PREVISIONALprevisional adj. Relating to prevision or foresight; prophetic.
PREVISIONAL adj. showing prevision, foresight.
PREVISIONEDprevisioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of prevision.
PREVISION v. to foresee.
PREVISITINGprevisiting v. Present participle of previsit.
PREVISIT v. to visit beforehand.
REVISIONARYrevisionary adj. Having the character of a revision.
REVISIONARY adj. relating to revision, also REVISIONAL.
REVISIONISMrevisionism n. (Historiography) The advocacy of a revision of some accepted theory, doctrine or a view of historical events.
revisionism n. (Marxism, derogatory) An evolutionary form of Marxism, abandoning some of its original principles.
REVISIONISM n. a movement in revolutionary Marxian socialism favoring an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary spirit.
REVISIONISTrevisionist adj. Of or pertaining to revisionism.
revisionist n. A proponent of revisionism.
REVISIONIST n. a supporter of revisionism.
REVISITANTSREVISITANT n. one who visits again.
REVISUALIZErevisualize v. (Transitive) To visualize again or anew.
TELEVISIONStelevisions n. Plural of television.
televisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of television.
TELEVISION n. the transmission by radio waves, and reproduction on a screen, of visual images, usually accompanied by sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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