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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing ERPO

CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
COUNTERPOSEcounterpose v. To act as a counterweight; to counterbalance.
counterpose n. A pose taken in opposition to another.
COUNTERPOSE v. to place in opposition, contrast, or equilibrium.
FINGERPOSTSfingerposts n. Plural of fingerpost.
finger-posts n. Plural of finger-post.
FINGERPOST n. a post with a finger pointing the way to a destination.
HYPERPOWERShyperpowers n. Plural of hyperpower.
HYPERPOWER n. a state that is vastly stronger than any potential rival.
INTERPOINTSinterpoints n. Plural of interpoint.
interpoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interpoint.
INTERPOINT n. the technique of printing Braille on both sides of the paper, spacing the dots in such a way that none counteracts each other.
INTERPOLATEinterpolate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To introduce (something) between other things; especially to insert (possibly…
interpolate v. (Mathematics) To estimate the value of a function between two tabulated points.
interpolate v. (Computing) During the course of processing some data, and in response to a directive in that data…
INTERPONINGinterponing v. Present participle of interpone.
INTERPONE v. to interpose; to insert or place between.
INTERPOSALSinterposals n. Plural of interposal.
INTERPOSAL n. the act of interposing.
INTERPOSERSinterposers n. Plural of interposer.
INTERPOSER n. one who interposes.
INTERPOSINGinterposing v. Present participle of interpose.
INTERPOSE v. to place between.
OVERPOISINGoverpoising v. Present participle of overpoise.
OVERPOISE v. to burden with weight sufficient to weigh another down.
OVERPOSTINGoverposting v. Present participle of overpost.
OVERPOST v. to hasten over quickly.
OVERPOWEREDoverpowered v. Simple past tense and past participle of overpower.
overpowered adj. Overly powerful.
OVERPOWER v. to overcome or reduce to helplessness.
RUDDERPOSTSrudderposts n. Plural of rudderpost.
RUDDERPOST n. the shank of a rudder, having the blade at one end and the attachments for operating it at the other.
SILVERPOINTsilverpoint n. (Uncountable) A traditional technique for drawing by dragging a silvern rod or wire across a surface…
silverpoint n. (Countable) An artwork produced by this technique.
SILVERPOINT n. the process or product of drawing with a silver-tipped pencil.
SUPERPOLITEsuperpolite adj. Exceptionally polite.
SUPERPOLITE adj. extremely polite.
SUPERPOSINGsuperposing v. Present participle of superpose.
SUPERPOSE v. to place above or on something else.
SUPERPOWERSsuperpowers n. Plural of superpower.
super␣powers n. Plural of super power.
SUPERPOWER n. a great power.
TERPOLYMERSterpolymers n. Plural of terpolymer.
TERPOLYMER n. a polymer such as a complex resin.
WATERPOWERSwaterpowers n. Plural of waterpower.
water␣powers n. Plural of water power.
WATERPOWER n. the power of water employed to move machinery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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