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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing EMAR

DEMARCATINGdemarcating v. Present participle of demarcate.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DEMARCATIONdemarcation n. The act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit, notably by belligerents signing a treaty or ceasefire.
demarcation n. A limit thus fixed, in full demarcation line.
demarcation n. Any strictly defined separation.
DEMARCATORSdemarcators n. Plural of demarcator.
DEMARCATOR n. one who demarcates.
DEMARKATIONdemarkation n. Alternative spelling of demarcation.
DEMARKATION n. the act of demarking, also DEMARCATION.
DEMARKETINGdemarketing n. Marketing where the goal is reducing the demand for goods or services.
demarketing v. Present participle of demarket.
DEMARKET v. to discourage consumers from buying one's product.
EMARGINATEDemarginated adj. (Botany) Having the margin interrupted by a notch or shallow sinus.
emarginated adj. Notched at the summit.
emarginated adj. (Crystallography) Having the edges truncated.
EMARGINATESemarginates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emarginate.
EMARGINATE v. to take away the margin of.
FREEMARTINSfreemartins n. Plural of freemartin.
FREEMARTIN n. a sexually deficient female calf born as a bull calf's twin.
PLATEMARKEDPLATEMARK v. to mark with a platemark.
PREMARKETEDPREMARKET v. to market in advance.
PREMARRIAGEpremarriage adj. Before marriage.
premarriage n. A period of time before marriage.
pre-marriage adj. Alternative form of premarriage.
REMARKABLESremarkables n. Remarkable things.
REMARKABLE n. something worthy of remark.
REMARKETINGremarketing v. Present participle of remarket.
REMARKET v. to market again.
REMARRIAGESremarriages n. Plural of remarriage.
REMARRIAGE n. the act of marrying again.
TELEMARKERStelemarkers n. Plural of telemarker.
TELEMARKINGtelemarking v. Present participle of telemark.
TELEMARK v. to make this kind of skiing turn.
TRADEMARKEDtrademarked adj. Registered as a trademark.
trademarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of trademark.
TRADEMARK v. to mark with a trademark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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