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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing ECUM

DECUMBENCESDECUMBENCE n. the act or posture of lying down, also DECUMBENCY.
DECUMBENTLYdecumbently adv. In a decumbent posture.
DECUMBENT adv. lying down; reclining on the ground.
DECUMBITUREdecumbiture n. (Obsolete) The fact of lying down, specifically of a person due to illness.
decumbiture n. (Astrology, now historical) The time one takes to one’s bed during an illness, as used for astrological…
DECUMBITURE n. the time spent by an invalid in bed.
ECUMENICISMecumenicism n. Ecumenicalism; ecumenism.
ECUMENICISM n. the doctrines and practice of the Christian ecumenical movement, also ECUMENICALISM.
ECUMENICISTecumenicist n. A person who advocates Christian ecumenicity.
ECUMENICIST n. a believer in ecumenicism.
ECUMENICITYecumenicity n. A tendency towards co-operation with other denominations; ecumenism.
ECUMENICITY n. the state of being drawn close to others esp. through Christian ecumenism.
OECUMENICALoecumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
œcumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
OECUMENICAL adj. general; universal; in ecclesiastical usage, that which concerns the whole church, also ECUMENIC, ECUMENICAL, OECUMENIC.
RECUMBENCESrecumbences n. Plural of recumbence.
RECUMBENCE n. the state of being recumbent, also RECUMBENCY.
RECUMBENTLYrecumbently adv. In a recumbent manner; while lying down.
RECUMBENT adv. reclining; lying comfortably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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