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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing ESID

CORESIDENTcoresident adj. Living together.
coresident n. One who lives with somebody else, or in the same area; a cohabitant.
CORESIDENT n. a fellow resident.
DESIDERATAdesiderata n. Plural of desideratum.
DESIDERATUM n. (Latin) something considered necessary or desirable.
DESIDERATEdesiderate v. (Transitive) To miss; to feel the absence of; to long for.
desiderate adj. Desired, wished or longed for.
DESIDERATE v. to desire; to feel the want of.
DESIDERIUMDESIDERIUM n. longing or yearning.
GRAVESIDESgravesides n. Plural of graveside.
GRAVESIDE n. the area around a grave.
PLANESIDESPLANESIDE n. the area next to an aeroplane.
PRAESIDIUMpraesidium n. Alternative form of presidium.
PRAESIDIUM n. (Latin) a standing committee in the former Soviet Union.
PRESIDENCYpresidency n. The office or role of president.
presidency n. The bureaucratic organization and governmental initiatives devolving directly from the president.
presidency n. The time during which one is president; a president’s term of office.
PRESIDENTSpresidents n. Plural of president.
Presidents n. Plural of President.
PRESIDENT n. the head of a state, board, council etc.
PRESIDIARYpresidiary adj. Synonym of presidial.
presidiary n. Alternative form of presidary (“guard”).
PRESIDIARY adj. of or pertaining to a garrison, also PRESIDIAL.
PRESIDIUMSpresidiums n. Plural of presidium.
PRESIDIUM n. (Latin) a standing committee in the former Soviet Union, also PRAESIDIUM.
RESIDENCESresidences n. Plural of residence.
RESIDENCE n. a place where one lives, also RESIANCE, RESIDENCY.
RESIDENTERresidenter n. Obsolete form of resident.
RESIDENTER n. (Scots) an inhabitant.
RESIDUALLYresidually adv. To a residual extent.
RESIDUAL adv. remaining, also RESIDUOUS.
SHORESIDESSHORESIDE n. the area near the shore.
SLOPESIDESslopesides n. Plural of slopeside.
SLOPESIDE n. the side of a slope, especially a ski slope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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