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There are 14 ten-letter words containing ERSU

BOILERSUITboilersuit n. Alternative spelling of boiler suit.
boiler␣suit n. A one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour.
BOILERSUIT n. a coverall.
COUNTERSUEcountersue v. (Transitive, intransitive) To sue a person or entity who is suing one.
COUNTERSUE v. to sue someone who is suing one.
OVERSUBTLEoversubtle adj. Excessively subtle.
OVERSUBTLE adj. too subtle.
OVERSUDSEDoversudsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of oversuds.
OVERSUDS v. to form an excessive amount of suds.
OVERSUDSESoversudses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oversuds.
OVERSUDS v. to form an excessive amount of suds.
OVERSUPPEDoversupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of oversup.
OVERSUP v. to sup to excess.
OVERSUPPLYoversupply v. To supply more than is needed.
oversupply n. An excessive supply.
OVERSUPPLY v. to supply to excess.
PERSUADERSpersuaders n. Plural of persuader.
PERSUADER n. one who persuades.
PERSUADINGpersuading v. Present participle of persuade.
persuading n. An act of persuasion.
PERSUADE v. to induce by reasoning or entreaty, also PERSWADE.
PERSUASIONpersuasion n. The act of persuading, or trying to do so; the addressing of arguments to someone with the intention…
persuasion n. An argument or other statement intended to influence one’s opinions or beliefs; a way of persuading someone.
persuasion n. A strongly held conviction, opinion or belief.
PERSUASIVEpersuasive adj. Able to persuade; convincing.
persuasive n. That which persuades; incitement.
PERSUASIVE adj. tending to persuade.
PERSUASORYpersuasory adj. Persuasive.
PERSUASORY adj. persuasive.
PERSULFATEpersulfate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any of several oxyanions (and their associated salts) that have peroxide units…
PERSULFATE n. a sulphuric acid salt of a base peroxide, also PERSULPHATE.
SEERSUCKERseersucker n. (Textiles) A thin, all-cotton fabric, commonly striped, used to make clothing for summer wear.
seersucker n. (Countable) An article made from such fabric.
SEERSUCKER n. (Persian) a light, thin fabric, such as cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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