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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing EPOR

CHASEPORTSchaseports n. Plural of chaseport.
chase␣ports n. Plural of chase port.
CHASEPORT n. the porthole at the bow or stern of a naval ship.
DEPORTABLEdeportable adj. Able to be deported.
deportable n. (Rare, sometimes offensive) Someone who is deportable.
DEPORTABLE adj. that can be deported.
DEPORTMENTdeportment n. Bearing; manner of presenting oneself.
deportment n. Conduct; public behavior.
deportment n. Apparent level of schooling or training.
HOMEPORTEDhomeported v. Simple past tense and past participle of homeport.
HOMEPORT v. to assign a ship to a port.
MADREPORALmadreporal adj. Characteristic of or associated with reef coral of genus Madrepora; madreporic.
madreporal adj. Pertaining to a sieve-like plate in echinoderms, which admits water into the ambulacral tubes…
MADREPORAL adj. relating to madrepore, a kind of coral, also MADREPORIC.
MADREPORESmadrepores n. Plural of madrepore.
MADREPORE n. a coral of the common reef-building type, occurring esp. in tropical seas.
MADREPORICmadreporic adj. Resembling, or pertaining to, the genus Madrepora.
MADREPORIC adj. relating to madrepore, a kind of coral, also MADREPORAL.
MILLEPORESmillepores n. Plural of millepore.
MILLEPORE n. any of a group or order of colonial hydrozoans.
MISREPORTSmisreports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misreport.
MISREPORT v. to report erroneously; to give an incorrect account of.
OVERREPORToverreport v. (Transitive) To report too much or too often.
OVERREPORT v. to report to excess.
PREPORTIONpreportion v. To divide into individual portions before use.
pre-portion v. Alternative form of preportion.
PREPORTION v. to portion in advance.
REPORTABLEreportable adj. (Of a disease etc) That must be reported to the proper authorities; notifiable.
reportable adj. Capable of being reported on.
reportable adj. Worth reporting on; constituting news.
REPORTAGESreportages n. Plural of reportage.
REPORTAGE n. reporting.
REPORTEDLYreportedly adv. According to reports or rumors; supposedly.
REPORTED adv. REPORT, to give an account of.
REPORTINGSreportings n. Plural of reporting.
REPORTING n. the act of reporting.
SPACEPORTSspaceports n. Plural of spaceport.
SPACEPORT n. a place from which spacecraft are launched.
TELEPORTEDteleported v. Simple past tense and past participle of teleport.
TELEPORT v. to transport by willpower or thought.
TELEPORTERteleporter n. (Fiction) A person who teleports.
teleporter n. (Science fiction) A device used for teleporting.
teleporter n. An often truck-mounted lift for reaching heights; a cherry picker.
UNREPORTEDunreported adj. Not reported.
UNREPORTED adj. not reported.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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