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There are 18 ten-letter words containing EPIL

DEPILATINGdepilating v. Present participle of depilate.
DEPILATE v. to remove hair.
DEPILATIONdepilation n. Act of pulling out or removing the hair; unhairing; hair removal.
depilation n. Removal of hair, wool or bristles from the body.
DEPILATION n. the act of removing the hair.
DEPILATORSdepilators n. Plural of depilator.
DEPILATOR n. an agent for removing hair.
DEPILATORYdepilatory adj. That removes hair.
depilatory n. A preparation that removes hair from the body.
DEPILATORY adj. having the power of removing hair.
EPILATIONSepilations n. Plural of epilation.
EPILATION n. the loss or removal of hair.
EPILEPSIESepilepsies n. Plural of epilepsy.
EPILEPSY n. a disorder of the nervous system.
EPILEPTICSepileptics n. Plural of epileptic.
EPILEPTIC n. one suffering from epilepsy.
EPILEPTOIDepileptoid adj. (Medicine) Resembling epilepsy.
epileptoid n. (Archaic) A person with epilepsy.
EPILEPTOID adj. resembling epilepsy; as, epileptoid convulsions.
EPILIMNIONepilimnion n. The surface layer of a liquid body, used in reference to a reservoir or body of water.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
EPILOBIUMSepilobiums n. Plural of epilobium.
EPILOBIUM n. a genus of plants that includes willowherb.
EPILOGISEDepilogised v. Simple past tense and past participle of epilogise.
EPILOGISE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGIZE.
EPILOGISESepilogises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of epilogise.
EPILOGISE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGIZE.
EPILOGISTSepilogists n. Plural of epilogist.
EPILOGIST n. one who writes or speaks an epilogue.
EPILOGIZEDepilogized v. Simple past tense and past participle of epilogize.
EPILOGIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGISE.
EPILOGIZESepilogizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of epilogize.
EPILOGIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGISE.
EPILOGUINGepiloguing v. Present participle of epilogue.
EPILOGUE v. to supply with a concluding section.
EPILOGUISEEPILOGUISE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUIZE.
EPILOGUIZEepiloguize v. Alternative form of epilogize.
EPILOGUIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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