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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 6 ten-letter words containing EOSI

APOTHEOSISapotheosis n. The fact or action of becoming or making into a god; deification.
apotheosis n. Glorification, exaltation; crediting someone or something with extraordinary power or status.
apotheosis n. A glorified example or ideal; the apex or pinnacle (of a concept or belief).
BROMEOSINSbromeosins n. Plural of bromeosin.
BROMEOSIN n. another name for eosin, a red dye stuff.
EOSINOPHILeosinophil n. (Cytology, immunology) A white blood cell responsible for combating infection by parasites in the body.
eosinophil adj. Alternative form of eosinophilic.
EOSINOPHIL n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHILE.
NUCLEOSIDEnucleoside n. (Biochemistry) an organic molecule in which a nitrogenous heterocyclic base (or nucleobase), which can…
NUCLEOSIDE n. a deoxyribose or ribose sugar molecule to which a pruine or pyrimidine base is covalently bound.
OSTEOSISESOSTEOSIS n. the formation of bone.
VITREOSITYvitreosity n. The quality or degree of being vitreous.
VITREOSITY n. the state of being vitreous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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