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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing EGRO

BEGROANINGbegroaning v. Present participle of begroan.
BEGROAN v. to groan at.
BRIDEGROOMbridegroom n. A man in the context of his own wedding; one who is going to marry or has just been married.
BRIDEGROOM n. a man just married or about to be married.
FOREGROUNDforeground n. The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane.
foreground n. The subject of an image, often depicted at the bottom in a two-dimensional work.
foreground n. (Computing, often attributive) The application the user is currently interacting with; the application…
NEGROPHOBEnegrophobe n. Alternative letter-case form of Negrophobe.
Negrophobe n. (Somewhat derogatory) One who strongly fears or dislikes black people.
PREGROWTHSpregrowths n. Plural of pregrowth.
PREGROWTH n. the period before something begins to grow.
REGROOMINGregrooming v. Present participle of regroom.
REGROOM v. to groom again.
REGROOVINGregrooving v. Present participle of regroove.
REGROOVE v. to groove again.
REGROUPINGregrouping v. Present participle of regroup.
regrouping n. A new grouping; the act or result of grouping again.
REGROUPING n. the act of forming a new group.
WINEGROWERwinegrower n. A person or company that owns a vineyard and produces wine.
wine␣grower n. Alternative form of winegrower.
WINEGROWER n. a person who cultivates a vineyard and makes wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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