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There are 18 ten-letter words containing EETS

CLIPSHEETSclipsheets n. Plural of clipsheet.
CLIPSHEET n. a sheet clipped on to a clipboard.
DOPESHEETSdope-sheets n. Plural of dope-sheet.
dope␣sheets n. Plural of dope sheet.
DOPESHEET n. a document giving information on horse races.
DUSTSHEETSdustsheets n. Plural of dustsheet.
DUSTSHEET n. a sheet to protect against dust.
FACTSHEETSfactsheets n. Plural of factsheet.
fact␣sheets n. Plural of fact sheet.
FACTSHEET n. a printed sheet containing information relating to items covered in a television or radio program.
FORESHEETSforesheets n. Plural of foresheet.
FORESHEET n. a rope used for trimming the foresail; the space near bow of open boat.
FREESHEETSfreesheets n. Plural of freesheet.
free-sheets n. Plural of free-sheet.
free␣sheets n. Plural of free sheet.
HEADSHEETSheadsheets n. Plural of headsheet.
HEADSHEETS n. the forepart of a small vessel or craft.
LEETSPEAKSLEETSPEAK n. a jargon used by some internet groups, in which standard English is translated into a mixture of letters, numerals, and symbols found on a computer keyboard.
MAINSHEETSmainsheets n. Plural of mainsheet.
main␣sheets n. Plural of main sheet.
MAINSHEET n. a rope by which a mainsail is trimmed and secured.
NEWSSHEETSnewssheets n. Plural of newssheet.
news␣sheets n. Plural of news sheet.
NEWSSHEET n. a simple form of document or publication giving news and information.
PACKSHEETSpacksheets n. Plural of packsheet.
PACKSHEET n. a list of things for packing.
PARRAKEETSparrakeets n. Plural of parrakeet.
SLIPSHEETSslipsheets n. Plural of slipsheet.
slip␣sheets n. Plural of slip sheet.
SLIPSHEET n. a sheet of paper that is interleaved between freshly pressed sheets.
SONGSHEETSsongsheets n. Plural of songsheet.
SONGSHEET n. a piece of paper with the words to one or more songs on it.
STREETSIDEstreetside adj. Alongside or near a street.
SWEETSHOPSsweetshops n. Plural of sweetshop.
sweet␣shops n. Plural of sweet shop.
SWEETSHOP n. a shop that sells sweets.
TEARSHEETStearsheets n. Plural of tearsheet.
tear␣sheets n. Plural of tear sheet.
TEARSHEET n. a page in a magazine perforated to facilitate its removal.
WORKSHEETSworksheets n. Plural of worksheet.
WORKSHEET n. a paper or form on which to detail work planned or performed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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