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There are 10 ten-letter words containing ECEP

DECEPTIBLEdeceptible adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being deceived.
DECEPTIBLE adj. capable of being deceived; deceivable.
DECEPTIONSdeceptions n. Plural of deception.
DECEPTION n. the act of deceiving.
DECEPTIOUSdeceptious adj. (Obsolete) Tending to deceive.
DECEPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) deceitful.
PRECEPTIALpreceptial adj. (Obsolete) preceptive.
PRECEPTIAL adj. (Shakespeare) consisting of precepts, also PRECEPTIVE.
PRECEPTIVEpreceptive adj. (Law) Of, pertaining to, or based on precepts.
preceptive adj. Instructive; didactic.
PRECEPTIVE adj. concerning rules of conduct, laws or precepts, also PRECEPTIAL.
PRECEPTORSpreceptors n. Plural of preceptor.
PRECEPTOR n. a teacher.
PRECEPTORYpreceptory n. A community of the Knights Templar, or the physical buildings or estate of such a community.
preceptory adj. Preceptive.
PRECEPTORY n. a community of Knights Templars (occasionally extended to a commandery of the Hospitallers).
RECEPTACLEreceptacle n. A container.
receptacle n. (Botany) The part of the flower stalk (peduncle or pedicel) to which the floral parts are attached;…
receptacle n. (Phycology) A structure at the end of a branch of an alga containing conceptacles (reproductive organs).
RECEPTIBLEreceptible adj. Receivable.
RECEPTIBLE adj. such as may be received.
RECEPTIONSreceptions n. Plural of reception.
RECEPTION n. the act of receiving or of being received.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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