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There are 17 words containing EYC

KEYCARDkeycard n. A usually plastic card which stores a digital signature that is used to operate an electronic access control lock.
key␣card n. Alternative spelling of keycard.
KEYCARD n. a coded card for operating a device.
ALLEYCATalleycat n. Alternative form of alley cat.
alleycat n. An informal bicycle race with checkpoints.
alley␣cat n. An urban feral cat.
KEYCARDSkeycards n. Plural of keycard.
key␣cards n. Plural of key card (alternative spelling of keycards).
KEYCARD n. a coded card for operating a device.
ALLEYCATSalleycats n. Plural of alleycat.
alley␣cats n. Plural of alley cat.
ALLEYCAT n. a cat who lives in alleys.
BURLEYCUEburleycue n. Alternative form of burlecue.
BURLEYCUE n. a ludicrous imitation, also BURLESK, BURLESQUE.
HONEYCOMBhoneycomb n. A structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax, to hold their larvae and for storing the…
honeycomb n. (By extension) Any structure resembling a honeycomb.
honeycomb n. (Construction) Voids left in concrete resulting from failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces…
BARLEYCORNbarleycorn n. A grain of barley.
barleycorn n. (Obsolete) The length of such a grain; a unit of length of approximately one third (or sometimes one…
barleycorn n. (Architecture, woodworking) A small groove between two mouldings.
BURLEYCUESBURLEYCUE n. a ludicrous imitation, also BURLESK, BURLESQUE.
HONEYCOMBShoneycombs n. Plural of honeycomb.
honeycombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of honeycomb.
HONEYCOMB v. to make like a honeycomb.
BARLEYCORNSbarleycorns n. Plural of barleycorn.
BARLEYCORN n. an old unit of length equal to one-third inch.
HONEYCOMBEDhoneycombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of honeycomb.
honeycombed adj. Having a perforated structure, resembling a honeycomb.
HONEYCOMB v. to make like a honeycomb.
HONEYCOMBINGhoneycombing v. Present participle of honeycomb.
honeycombing n. A honeycomb pattern or structure.
HONEYCOMBING n. honeycomb stitch.
HONEYCREEPERhoneycreeper n. Any of various nectar-feeding birds of the tanager family, belonging to the genera Cyanerpes, Chlorophanes…
honeycreeper n. Any of the Hawaiian honeycreepers, passerine songbirds of Hawaii.
HONEYCREEPER n. a kind of tropical bird.
MONEYCHANGERmoneychanger n. Alternative spelling of money changer.
money-changer n. Alternative spelling of money changer.
money␣changer n. A person who will exchange currency of one type for another for a fee or percentage.
HONEYCOMBINGShoneycombings n. Plural of honeycombing.
HONEYCOMBING n. honeycomb stitch.
HONEYCREEPERShoneycreepers n. Plural of honeycreeper.
HONEYCREEPER n. a kind of tropical bird.
MONEYCHANGERSmoneychangers n. Plural of moneychanger.
money-changers n. Plural of money-changer.
money␣changers n. Plural of money changer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 273 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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