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There are 18 words containing EPY

AEPYORNISAepyornis n. An elephant bird of the genus Aepyornis.
Aepyornis n. A taxonomic genus within the family Aepyornithidae – elephant birds, large, extinct birds of Madagascar.
Æpyornis prop.n. Alternative spelling of Aepyornis.
AEPYORNISESAepyornises n. Plural of Aepyornis.
AEPYORNIS n. (Greek) a large fossil bird of Madagascar.
CACOEPYcacoepy n. The mispronunciation of words.
cacoëpy n. Alternative spelling of cacoepy.
CACOEPY n. a wrong pronunciation.
CREEPYcreepy adj. Moving by creeping along.
creepy adj. (Informal) Producing an uneasy fearful sensation, as of things crawling over one’s skin.
creepy adj. (Informal) Feeling an uneasy fearful sensation; creeped out.
CREPYcrepy adj. Alternative form of crêpy.
crêpy adj. Resembling or similar to crêpe.
CREPY adj. having the texture of crepe, a light crinkled fabric, also CREPEY.
EPYLLIAepyllia n. Plural of epyllion.
EPYLLION n. (Greek) a shorter epic poem.
EPYLLIONepyllion n. (Literary) A "little epic".
epyllion n. (Literary) A brief narrative poem with a romantic or mythological theme.
EPYLLION n. (Greek) a shorter epic poem.
EPYLLIONSepyllions n. Plural of epyllion.
EPYLLION n. (Greek) a shorter epic poem.
ORTHOEPYorthoepy n. Synonym of phonology: the study of pronunciation.
orthoepy n. Accepted or customary pronunciation.
orthœpy n. (US, rare, obsolete, hypercorrect) Nonstandard spelling of orthoepy.
SEEPYseepy adj. That seeps.
seepy adj. Of land: oozy; marshy; not well drained.
SEEPY adj. oozing with water.
SHEEPYsheepy adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of a sheep.
sheepy n. (Childish or endearing) sheep.
Sheepy prop.n. A civil parish in Hinckley and Bosworth district, Leicestershire, England, which includes the villages…
SLEEPYsleepy adj. Tired; feeling the need for sleep.
sleepy adj. Suggesting tiredness.
sleepy adj. Tending to induce sleep.
SLEEPYHEADsleepyhead n. (Informal) A sleepy person.
sleepyhead n. The ruddy duck.
sleepy␣head n. Alternative form of sleepyhead.
SLEEPYHEADSsleepyheads n. Plural of sleepyhead.
sleepy␣heads n. Plural of sleepy head.
SLEEPYHEAD n. a sleepy person.
STEEPYsteepy adj. (Obsolete) Steep.
STEEPY adj. steep; precipitous.
SWEEPYsweepy adj. Moving with a sweeping motion, or having a curving shape that suggests it.
SWEEPY adj. of wide range or scope.
WEEPYweepy adj. Inclined to weep; tearful or lachrymose.
weepy adj. (Informal) Of a film or book etc.: full of tragic melodrama.
weepy n. Alternative form of weepie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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