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There are 17 words containing ELR

CAMELRYcamelry n. (Military) A military arm of service that fights while riding camels.
CAMELRY n. troops mounted on camels.
JEWELRYjewelry n. US standard spelling of jewellery.
jewelry v. (Intransitive) To make jewelry.
jewelry v. (Intransitive) To adorn with jewelry or make into jewelry.
REVELRYrevelry n. Joyful or riotous merry-making.
REVELRY n. noisy merrymaking.
CHAPELRYchapelry n. The district attached to a chapel; a division of a large parish which has its own district chapel.
CHAPELRY n. the jurisdiction of a chapel.
CONELRADCONELRAD prop.n. (US, historical) Acronym of control of electromagnetic radiation: a method of emergency broadcasting…
CONELRAD n. a system of defense against air attack.
HOSTELRYhostelry n. (Countable) An inn that provides overnight accommodation for travellers (and, originally, their horses).
hostelry n. (Uncountable) The art and skill of guest management at a commercial facility such as a hotel, inn, motel…
HOSTELRY n. an inn.
TINSELRYtinselry n. Glittering and tawdry material.
TINSELRY n. tawdry material.
CAMELRIEScamelries n. Plural of camelry.
CAMELRY n. troops mounted on camels.
CONELRADSCONELRAD n. a system of defense against air attack.
JEWELRIESjewelries n. Plural of jewelry.
jewelries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jewelry.
JEWELRY n. jewels in general.
REVELRIESrevelries n. Plural of revelry.
REVELRY n. noisy merrymaking.
REVELROUSrevelrous adj. Characterized by or engaged in boisterous merry-making.
REVELROUS adj. given to revelry.
CHAPELRIESchapelries n. Plural of chapelry.
CHAPELRY n. the jurisdiction of a chapel.
HOSTELRIEShostelries n. Plural of hostelry.
hostelries n. Plural of hostelrie.
HOSTELRY n. an inn.
NESSELRODENesselrode n. Designating a type of cream, pie, or pudding, constituting an iced dessert made of chestnuts and cream…
NESSELRODE n. a rich frozen pudding made of chestnuts, eggs, cream etc.
TINSELRIEStinselries n. Plural of tinselry.
TINSELRY n. tawdry material.
NESSELRODESNESSELRODE n. a rich frozen pudding made of chestnuts, eggs, cream etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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