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There are 16 nine-letter words containing EPP

BEPEPPERSbepeppers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bepepper.
BEPEPPER v. to hit hard with gunshot.
PEPPERBOXpepperbox n. A pepper shaker.
pepperbox n. (Firearms) A repeating firearm with three or more barrels grouped around a central axis.
pepperbox n. A buttress at one side of the court in the game of fives.
PEPPERERSpepperers n. Plural of pepperer.
PEPPERER n. a dealer in pepper and spices.
PEPPERIERpepperier adj. Comparative form of peppery: more peppery.
PEPPERY adj. resembling pepper.
PEPPERINGpeppering v. Present participle of pepper.
peppering n. (Literally, figuratively) A light sprinkling or spray, as with black pepper specks, bullets, or questions.
PEPPERING n. a seasoning with pepper.
PEPPERONIpepperoni n. A spicy salami-style Italian-American sausage made from cured pork and beef seasoned with pepper.
pepperoni n. Pizza with only tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni toppings.
PEPPERONI n. (Italian) a hard, spicy pork and beef sausage, also PEPERONI.
PEPPINESSpeppiness n. The quality of being peppy.
PEPPINESS n. being peppy.
PREPPIESTpreppiest adj. Superlative form of preppy: most preppy.
PREPPY adj. denoting the style and behaviour of preparatory school students.
SCHLEPPEDschlepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of schlep.
schlepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of schlepp.
SCHLEP v. (Yiddish) to drag one's feet; travel a great distance, also SCHLEPP, SHLEP, SHLEPP.
SCHLEPPERschlepper n. A servant who carries things; a porter.
schlepper n. (Derogatory) One who wanders aimlessly.
schlepper n. (Derogatory) Any manual laborer, or other lowly employee.
SHLEPPERSshleppers n. Plural of shlepper.
SHLEPPER n. (Yiddish) an incompetent or nonentity, also SCHLEPPER.
SHLEPPIERSHLEPPY adj. shabby, rundown, also SCHLEPPY.
SHLEPPINGshlepping v. Present participle of shlep.
shlepping v. Present participle of shlepp.
SHLEPP v. (Yiddish) to drag one's feet; travel a great distance, also SCHLEP, SCHLEPP, SHLEP.
UNSTEPPEDunstepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstep.
unstepped adj. Not stepped; without steps.
UNSTEP v. to remove from a socket.
UPSTEPPEDupstepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of upstep.
UPSTEP v. to step up.
ZEPPELINSzeppelins n. Plural of zeppelin.
Zeppelins n. Plural of Zeppelin.
ZEPPELIN n. (German) a dirigible, cigar-shaped airship of the type designed by Count Zeppelin (c. 1900).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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