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There are 19 nine-letter words containing EOC

GEOCACHEDgeocached v. Simple past tense and past participle of geocache.
GEOCACHE v. to search for hidden objects using GPS.
GEOCACHERgeocacher n. A person who hides or seeks objects as part of the pastime of geocaching.
GEOCACHER n. one who engages in geocaching.
GEOCACHESgeocaches n. Plural of geocache.
GEOCACHE v. to search for hidden objects using GPS.
GEOCARPICgeocarpic adj. Relating to geocarpy.
GEOCARPIC adj. of fruit, ripening underground.
GEOCODINGgeocoding v. Present participle of geocode.
GEOCODE v. to assign geographical coordinates to (a digital data set).
GEOCORONAgeocorona n. (Earth’s atmosphere, chiefly uncountable) The region of ionized hydrogen (protons) that makes up the…
geocorona n. (Meteorology, plasma physics, space physics, by extension) Analogs of the geocorona; Synonym of protonosphere.
GEOCORONA n. an outer layer of the earth's atmosphere.
NEOCORTEXneocortex n. (Neuroanatomy) The top layer of the cerebral hemispheres in the brain of mammals; part of the cerebral cortex.
NEOCORTEX n. the back of the cortex.
OSTEOCYTEosteocyte n. (Cytology) A mature bone cell involved with the maintenance of bone.
OSTEOCYTE n. a cell that is characteristic of adult bone.
PALEOCENEPaleocene adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to the Paleocene epoch.
Paleocene prop.n. (Geology) A geologic epoch within the Paleogene period from about 65 to 56 million years ago; marked…
PALEOCENE adj. belonging to a certain geological time period, also PALEOGENE.
PALEOCONSpaleocons n. Plural of paleocon.
PALEOCON n. an extremely right-wing conservative.
PREOCCUPYpreoccupy v. (Transitive) To distract; to draw attention elsewhere.
preoccupy v. (Transitive) To worry or concern (someone) so as to distract them.
preoccupy v. (Transitive, obsolete) To occupy or take possession of beforehand.
PREOCULARpreocular adj. Just in front of the eyes.
preocular n. One of the scales just in front of the eye of a reptile or fish.
PREOCULAR n. a scale in front of the eye of a reptile or fish.
RHEOCHORDrheochord n. A wire that can measure or vary the resistance of an electric circuit, or measure the variability of the current.
RHEOCHORD n. a wire rheostat, a metallic wire used for regulating the resistance of a circuit, also RHEOCORD.
RHEOCORDSrheocords n. Plural of rheocord.
RHEOCORD n. a wire rheostat, a metallic wire used for regulating the resistance of a circuit, also RHEOCHORD.
TEOCALLISteocallis n. Plural of teocalli.
TEOCALLI n. (Nahuatl) an Aztec pyramid temple, also TEOPAN.
THEOCRACYtheocracy n. Government under the control of a state religion.
theocracy n. Rule by a god.
THEOCRACY n. government by priests or by religious law.
THEOCRASYtheocrasy n. (Neopagan theology) Interaction, admixture, and conflation of divine principles.
THEOCRASY n. the mingling of several gods into one personality.
THEOCRATStheocrats n. Plural of theocrat.
THEOCRAT n. a divine or deified ruler.
VIDEOCAMSvideocams n. Plural of videocam.
VIDEOCAM n. a camera for taking video.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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