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There are 17 eight-letter words containing EOR

CEORLISHceorlish adj. Characteristic of a ceorl.
CEORLISH adj. (Old English) like a ceorl, churlish.
DEORBITSdeorbits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deorbit.
DEORBIT v. to come out of orbit.
GEORGICSgeorgics n. Plural of georgic.
GEORGIC n. (Latin) a poem on husbandry or rural affairs.
METEORICmeteoric adj. Of, pertaining to, or originating from a meteor.
meteoric adj. (By extension) Like a meteor in speed, brilliance, or ephemeralness.
meteoric adj. (Geology, of water) Originating in the atmosphere.
PLEDGEORpledgeor n. Alternative spelling of pledger.
PLEDGEOR n. one who pledges something, also PLEDGER, PLEDGOR.
PREORDERpreorder v. (Transitive) To order (goods or services) in advance, before they are available.
preorder v. (Transitive) To sort or arrange beforehand.
preorder n. An order for goods or services placed in advance.
REORDAINreordain v. (Transitive) To ordain (a church official) again.
REORDAIN v. to ordain again.
REORDERSreorders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reorder.
REORDER v. to put in a further order.
REORGINGREORG v. to reorganize.
REORIENTreorient v. (Transitive, intransitive) To orient again; to make or become oriented after dislocation or disorientation.
reorient adj. (Obsolete) Arising again.
REORIENT v. to acquaint oneself again.
THEORBOStheorbos n. Plural of theorbo.
THEORBO n. (Italian) a double-necked lute, aka chitarrone.
THEOREMStheorems n. Plural of theorem.
THEOREM n. an established but not self-evident principle.
THEORICStheorics n. Plural of theoric.
THEORIC n. (Shakespeare) theory, speculation, also THEORIQUE.
THEORIEStheories n. Plural of theory.
THEORY n. a group of propositions used to explain a class of phenomena.
THEORISEtheorise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of theorize.
THEORISE v. to form theories, also THEORIZE.
THEORISTtheorist n. Someone who constructs theories, especially in the arts or sciences.
THEORIST n. one who theorizes.
THEORIZEtheorize v. To formulate a theory, especially about some specific subject.
theorize v. To speculate.
THEORIZE v. to form theories, also THEORISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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