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There are 12 eight-letter words containing EOM

GEOMANCYgeomancy n. A method of divination using earth or the ground, such as interpreting markings on the ground or how…
geomancy n. Feng shui; Chinese geomancy.
GEOMANCY n. telling the future from geographical features.
GEOMANTSgeomants n. Plural of geomant.
GEOMANT n. one who practises geomancy, also GEOMANCER.
GEOMETERgeometer n. A mathematician who specializes in geometry.
geometer n. (Zoology) Any species of geometrid moth (family Geometridae).
GEOMETER n. a specialist in geometry.
GEOMETRYgeometry n. (Mathematics, uncountable) The branch of mathematics dealing with spatial relationships.
geometry n. (Mathematics, often qualified in combination, countable) A mathematical system that deals with spatial…
geometry n. (Countable) The observed or specified spatial attributes of an object, etc.
GEOMYOIDGEOMYOID adj. pertaining to American pouched rats.
NEOMORPHneomorph n. (Genetics) A gain of function mutation that causes novel gene function.
NEOMORPH n. a structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a preexisting form.
NEOMYCINneomycin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic related to streptomycin that…
NEOMYCIN n. an antibiotic used to treat skin and eye infections.
OSTEOMASosteomas n. Plural of osteoma.
OSTEOMA n. (Greek) a tumor composed of bone or bone-like tissue.
PROTEOMEproteome n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The complete set of proteins encoded by a particular genome.
PROTEOME n. the complement of proteins expressed by a genome.
STEREOMEstereome n. (Botany) A section of sclerenchyma at the base of a phyllary in some members of the Asteraceae.
stereome n. (Botany, obsolete) sclerenchyma.
STEREOME n. mechanical tissue in plants.
YEOMANLYyeomanly adj. Like a yeoman: stout and true.
yeomanly adj. Of or proper to the class of yeomen in British history.
yeomanly adv. Like a yeoman: stoutly and bravely.
YEOMANRYyeomanry n. (Historical) A class of small freeholders who cultivated their own land.
yeomanry n. A British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 for home defense and later incorporated into the Territorial Army.
YEOMANRY n. a collective body of yeomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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